How come that affiliate marketing is the best option for baby boomers?
Affiliate marketing is the best option for seniors, baby boomers, retirees, and people to retire soon…. The list can be extended. The common denominator is that people at the age of 55+ have a built-in resistance to starting any new project in life, implying the same effort as 20 years ago. At this age, we all prepare for a more comfortable and less stressful life. In fact, after 30,40 maybe 50 years of being highly productive for society, we deserve a more relaxed lifestyle.
So far, so good, but a year ago, an unexpected pandemic changed everything. We do not only lose jobs, but positions disappear forever. You have to go back to the Great Depression of 1929 to find something similar.
The route out from the crisis back then was very much focused on financial aid and stimulation. The New Deal, implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt, is an excellent example of measures taken.
Most countries are today increasing their national debts to confront the crisis. Hopefully, the newly started vaccination will help the world to at least be in control of the situation.
Various studies analyze the vulnerability of different groups in society, not only from a health perspective but also from the complete picture.
What can a 55 years person do when losing a job because the company is paying out a monthly salary for the last 25 years just went bankrupt? It will be a tough time to find a new job in a dramatically reduced labor market, competing with younger professionals.
Instead of describing all the negative consequences of Covid-19, is there any light in the tunnel?
Light in the tunnel
In the same way that the steam machine initiated the industrial revolution and made production more efficient, is there anything that can shift the way we think today? When watching all news broadcasts, all focus is on how to get the jobs back again.
By going down the same route as always, the future doesn’t look too good.
When Henry Ford invented the first car, the T-Ford, in 1896, it was a result of a mindset that differs from the traditional ones. This famous quote by Henry Ford indirectly describes an entrepreneurial mindset.
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
So, what’s the light in the tunnel
Digitalization of the World
If throwing in money was the cure to get out of the Great Depression, it doesn’t get the same effect in today’s environment. It’s like frequently giving antibiotics to a person. In the end, the body will not react to antibiotics.
The new “antibiotic” of this century, and particularly this year, has its own name:
Why do companies like Amazon, Zoom, and Google do so well despite the pandemic? They take advantage of the digitalized world!
I have seen people refusing to adapt themselves to the new digitalized world. With my own eyes, I have seen people start paying their bills through digital platforms. Thus, there is no other future ahead than a wholly digitalized world. Like it or not!
Tying all this together, how does the box look like where the cornerstones consist of:
- Pandemic
- Income opportunities
- Digitalization
- Seniors
Without any doubt, the pandemic is putting everything upside-down. All habitual patterns of living are gone, probably forever. This time it is a pandemic. The next time it can be something else.
Learning from this crisis, we all know the importance of being prepared. Call it a plan “B,” or whatever you want, but always update yourself on what’s new and how to use it.
Income opportunities
If you lose your job without a plan “B,” you will get a severe problem. When the monthly bills are dropping in, and you don’t know how to pay them, what to do?
Whatever you are working with, you need to do two things:
- Save money to have a reserve fund in case of the unexpected.
- Always look for alternative income streams. The famous saying, “never put all eggs in one basket,” is more relevant than ever.
Many, too may I would say, didn’t see the world’s digitalization as a shift to a new way of living, but as something fancy to have fun with for pleasure only. Those so-called “dinosaurs” represent the most vulnerable group right now.
Fortunately, and that’s the positive side of this horrible pandemic, digitalization is taking fast steps forward. People who earlier rejected getting into digital devices and platforms are now forced to do it. We are getting a more well-trained society, all over the different age groups.
Digitalization is no longer a peripherical commodity but a necessary tool for survival.
Purchases on the web are direct results of the current situation. The number of people launching their own business using a digital platform is also increasing as never before.
Let’s face it: millennials and younger people were almost born with a digital device in their hands, and it is a tool in their daily lives. When a 25 years person starts an online business, we view it as something logical.
However, a 60 years old guy starting an Internet business doesn’t fit into the perception frames.
“Digital businesses are for the younger generations. It’s too techy for me.”
Can you relate to this?
Again, the pandemic has some positive sides. One of them is that seniors have to re-evaluate the way they view digital business possibilities. And believe me, that’s a big step forward.
Once the curiosity converts into interest, the web offers enormous opportunities. One of the first things to discover is that you don’t need to be a technical guru to create a successful business online.
Secondly, there is a trendy entrance to the digital business environment.
Affiliate marketing is the best option for seniors! You don’t need to have a product, but selling other people’s products. If you connect to the right platform, you don’t even have to sell the product. They will sell it for you, and you just cash in a commission when the order is placed. Check one of my previous articles, explaining all details around affiliate marketing for seniors.
For Seniors Affiliate Marketing is the Best Option
If I still have your attention, you probably belong to the group of senior citizens or the so-called baby boomers. Most likely, you have already started to look into the different opportunities out there to create your own Internet-based business.
Whatever your final goal might be, go for affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is the best option, no matter where you will end up within a couple of years.
Connect to a platform where you will have everything (yes, I mean everything!) you need to start your business journey already today.
As a senior citizen (almost 69 years young) and an affiliate marketer, I highly recommend getting your All-In Package to start the right way.
Click the box below, and start building an alternative income stream, no matter what you’re doing right now.
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