To attract baby boomers is much more than a grandma and grandpa topic

If you want to attract baby boomers in your marketing effort, you first need to get rid of some old beliefs. Most younger people view the baby boomer segment in an incorrect way.

When you hear the term baby boomers, your mind easily slides away to grandmas and grandpas living in retirement. Could be that this image was closer to the reality some decades ago. Today it’s actually the opposite.

According to different surveys, instead of retiring many baby boomers are now starting their own business and becoming active entrepreneurs.

A lot of successful online marketers view baby boomers as a marketing segment. The reason is simple:

It’s a huge segment!

Only in the U.S., the baby boomer segment is calculated to something around 77 million people. Who would like to miss out on that numerous impressive group?

What is a baby boomer

As the term “baby boomers” will be used frequently in this article, let’s first define the different age groups. The age spans are somewhat different from region to region.

However, the following spans are globally accepted:

Baby Boomers: 1946–1964

Generation X: 1965–1980

Millennials: 1981-1996

Post-Millennials/Generation Z: After 1997

To Attract Baby Boomers Follows Logical but Important Steps

To attract baby boomers-Important steps

Too many complicate things when trying to attract baby boomers. In fact, the way of doing it correctly is more simple than what you can imagine.

Besides all false myths about baby boomers’ behavior, you need to understand more in-depth how baby boomers view things in comparison to younger generations. In a recent article of mine, we made a try to briefly describe the typical profile of a baby boomer.

There are, of course, a lot of things to think about when approaching baby boomers, as you do for any other market niche.

The following are some few things you need to have in mind if your purpose is to attract baby boomers to start an online business.

Respect the age without bias

Younger generations have indeed got an utterly different education in all IT-related topics, than what we baby boomers got. Many younger online marketers make a mistake to patronizing in their marketing.

Respect the ageWhen communicating with baby boomers never call them “old!”

If you communicate to a baby boomer as you were talking to a child, you will immediately be lost. In fact, today’s baby boomers know much more about the latest technologies and online trends, than what you can imagine. To let them feel inferior will only offend them.

Could be that we baby boomers aren’t up to date when it comes to all wordings and abbreviations, (see further down), but it doesn’t mean that you have to treat them like children.

Do not simplify too much, but rather attract baby boomers by letting them feel to be part of your community and your own generation.

Don’t try to impress with abbreviations

There are tons of different abbreviations that people are using more than ever. Some are old ones that almost have been adapted as an official word.

Back in the past days, when we baby boomers were using telex machines to communicate with the world, we became quite experienced to use different abbreviations to shorten the sending time. Every second cost money. ASAP (as soon as possible) is an example from those days.

In today’s digital world, there is no cost reason behind abbreviations, but more practical arguments for taking in mind. When into the online marketing world, you learn pretty soon these useful words, such as CPC, KPI, and CPA, to mention a few random examples.

However, do not use these abbreviations when approaching people and especially trying to attract baby boomers. They will not impress on your audience, but rather create a distance.

As a rule of thumb, please do not use any abbreviations in your content, unless it adds value to your content.

Be crystal clear in your promises

The difference between general content and a promise can be subject to misunderstandings if no proper explanation attached. Never try to use “tricky” methods to get your audience to commit to a sale or an offer.

So, what does this mean?

Of course, you should make promises. But, at the same time, it all has to be explained clearly, and there should never be anything in your text that could be misunderstood.

Belonging to the baby boomer group myself, the purpose of this article is to describe based on my own experience, how we can create our own online business. There is plenty of scraps out there on the web, and many not even dare to try as the fear of virus, scams, hackers, or whatever you can imagine will destroy the computer or smartphone.

If you at the end of this article, find that my message sounds relevant, then you should try what I’m offering. If not, then just forget about it!

To Attract Baby Boomers is Not Any Rocket Science

Some years ago, when I entered this fantastic world doing business online, of course, I was scared. Were they going to cash in as much as possible on my credit card before, standing there as a foolish loser, or what was going to happen?

The question marks were many, but what finally got me to try it out, can guess what it was?

If you dive into the world of baby boomers and their behavior, you’ll find that it’s no different from any other market segment investigation.

Attract baby boomers with appealing contentContent appealing to me! 

The approach was calm, professional and perfectly balanced with arguments appealing to me.

I was in!

First, I did it part-time without quitting my corporate job, but in less than 6 months, I was ready to take the step to become an online entrepreneur. To be your own boss, and to run your business on your terms, is something that more people should have the possibility to do.

If you can relate to my story, click the banner below and register for a completely free webinar series, showing you step by step how to let your dreams come true, the same way that I did.


To do business online is definitely not for everyone. However, the growing baby boomer group of today is searching for something to work with when getting into retirement.

To attract baby boomers requires specific formats. Transparency and a not a pushy approach is the name of the game.

Always start with more information to understand how it all works. Never sign up to anything without understanding in detail what you need to do and what kind of support you’re going to get.

Click the banner below if it sounds attractive to you.

My Banner


This article has been revised and corrected by using Grammarly®. Click here and get your free app for free to start using immediately.

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