To be a winner is partly about being uncomfortable for other people.

Let’s make a short recap of the first part in this 2 part series. If you didn’t read the first article, you could find it here.

In the first section of this series, we describe the profile of a person who wants to be a winner. Conclusion: you need to understand why you want to do what you are going to do, before even thinking about doing it. You need to know your “why.”

This second and last part of the series will focus on how typical winner acts.

Typical Traits Of A Winner

Whatever your goal may be, you can impossibly be an expert on everything, and neither you should strive for it. On the long list of all possible characteristics of a winner,  there are three that never can be missing:

Traits to be a winner
Traits to be a winner
  1. Surround yourself with experts who can help you out with tasks that you don’t dominate. A real winner never fears to involve people who know more than what you do. After all, it’s all about getting a task executed, and what is better than an expert, the best.
  2. If you are starting something seriously, most of all, you must have a desire to achieve it based on a passion for getting it done. If that is the case, for sure you are an expert yourself. Could be only one little part of the whole project, but it’s your area, and you are damn good at it.
  3. A winner brings his or her core competency to the table, meaning an active and constant delivery of value to all people around,  and searching for a solution related to what you are doing.

There is a huge difference between the old traditional way of doing business or coming up with new ideas that can change the world. In the traditional old school, there was a tendency to keep everything as secret as possible. Nobody wanted to run the risk that anybody should “steal” your idea.

This behavior was a result of many different factors. One of them was that the market where to make the implementation. The product could also be limited to a particular area, maybe a region or a complete country. In today’s world, seriously challenging all these old strategies, in conclusion, the digitalization has changed absolutely everything. There is no limitation in the marketplace more than what you limit yourself based on a product based targeting.

Often athletes are mentioned as the perfect prototype for successful entrepreneurship because of their attitude falling into the same funnel as the person who wants to be a winner.

David K. Williams writes in his blog post published in Forbes three years ago, “Why You Should Fill Your Company With Athletes,” about seven traits of an athlete. Directly or indirectly the three mentioned characteristics above fall into the 7 of David Williams.

To Be A Winner On The Internet Is To Know How To Work Your Potential Market

As a successful  Internet marketer, you need to listen to other people. To be a winner in this battlefield you need to get advice. You need to involve experts in your business. The reason is that this new way of acting, doing business and whatever you are up to changes so quickly that it’s impossible to be 100% up to date on everything.

Referring again to the comparison with athletes,  most probably it isn’t a random coincidence that an athlete taking his sport in a serious way works together with a coach. He or she knows what it takes to be a winner and ongoing coaching or having a trainer is a must to achieve the goal.

The good thing with digital businesses is that you’ll always find somebody out there being exactly the expert you need. Google is a good example. Tell me something you haven’t found on Google when doing a search. “Give and receive” is not only valid in the Internet media but a must. A winner is always on a mission to conquer and positively enhance the lives of those around you.

“Give and receive” is not only valid in the Internet media but a must. A winner is always on a mission to conquer and positively enhance the lives of those around you.

Providing A Constant Flow Of Value Is To Be A Winner

Values to be a winner
Values to be a winner


People like to be around other people delivering values. If your goal is to enter the Internet market, which indeed is a good choice, and you are a complete newbie, there are alternatives out there that quickly will teach you how to do all you need to do to be successful and finally to be a winner. Sooner than you can imagine, your learning and interest of certain areas will transform you into an expert.

Many of the experts in for example affiliate marketing, started from scratch exactly as I did. Today they are focused on certain segments of our business, and helping other people to be as successful as they are. This is the beauty of the online business and the affiliate marketing in particular.

How can you define value? There are different types of value:

Functional value –  What the product or service do for you? Example, a car that takes you from point A to B

Monetary value – This is all about the price compared to the function but also compared to the products of the competition. Example, a car taking you from point A to B and has the best price

Social value – It’s about how the product or service can help you to connect to others. Example, a car taking you from point A to B and at the same time entering in the category of cars your friends at the golf club are driving, a kind of social compatibility.

Psychological value – How can the product or service help you to feel better? Example, the same car as in the previous examples, but as the eco-environment is important to you, the car must be at least a hybrid car.

It’s like Maslow’s Hierarchy, and the type of value to provide depends on where your potential client is on the ladder.

It’s Time For You To Be A Winner

Your time to be a winner
Your time to be a winner

Three years ago when I decided to try Internet marketing, those values were critical for me.

It should be a complete system and platform with nothing left aside (functional value). Further, the product and service should be with an affordable price (monetary value. At that time the start-up was $29.95, and now for free). It should be a business that you could be proud of and with pleasure and joy show the results and revenues to your family and friends.

To be connected to friends and colleagues in the same digital marketing community is also included in this type of value (social value). Finally, it should be an activity that could turn into a passion (psychological value).

After carefully analyzing plenty of offers out in the market, the Six Figure Mentors was the only system that could provide the four types of value.

To be a winner, either you are an online entrepreneur, athlete or any other activity,  you don’t need to complicate the process at all. However, a lot of people try to find the “hidden” shortcut that doesn’t exist.

Thus, your journey always starts with a well defined “why.” From there the conviction and passion will push you through to the final goal – To be a winner.

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Jan Nilsson – What It Takes To Be A Winner (part 2) <== Go to the top of page

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