If you are bored it can be hard to embrace boredom for success
Embrace boredom for success and stopping being bored, could be a helpful recipe to get rid of boredom once and for all. But is it that easy? To answer the question, we must first understand what boredom is.
A lot has been said about this topic, but let’s start with what it isn’t.
“That feeling when you’re not necessarily sad, but you just feel empty.”
-Your Tango
We all know that life is not always a bed of roses. More likely, it’s a roller coaster with its peaks and troughs. This happens to us all, and a more interesting question would be how successful people embrace boredom for success, no matter what they are up to.
4 Important Steps to Embrace Boredom for Success
The reality is that most people always stay the same. It doesn’t matter how boring life is; the “security” of a comfort zone compensates for the “horrible” idea of doing something they don’t know much about.
Well-known successful entrepreneurs read a lot. I read somewhere that it’s not uncommon for Elon Musk to finish two to three books in one single week. By reading a lot, you learn a lot. You are better prepared to step outside your comfort zone by getting more knowledge.
If you read my article from last week, you can probably guess I’m fascinated by the eagle’s behavior. The eagle acts outside its comfort zone all the time to be able to find food and, in the end, survive. However, there is still a plan to achieve the goals.
In a way, the behavior of an eagle matches the four steps to embrace boredom for success.
“Boredom is a pleasing antidote for fear.”
– Daphne du Maurier
Recall your purpose
Whatever your purpose or mission might be, there is always a strong “why” that got you started. Often, it is a passion to achieve something in life. To achieve the goal, if it is a serious one, the path is not a straight line but surrounded by many ups and downs.
When boredom comes over you, remember your purpose. Why did you start? For sure, you have a lot of reasons. Go through them again, and there is where you will find your true passion.
I remember when marathon running was a passion of mine. The 24 marathon races I did before an injury ended this fascinating challenge was a combination of passion, hard work, pleasure, and boredom.
To get out of bed at 5 a.m. on a Sunday morning to fulfill the long run of 34 kilometers, clearly stated in my training program, was less fun than you would have liked.
When opening up my eyes, the famous monkey behind my ear started talking to me.
“You deserve a rest day today.”
“If you skip one training, many more will come.”
When those “inner talks” try to get you off your plan, remember your purpose. Never let your goal be lost by boredom but by a true and honest purpose.
First things first
We all have an agenda for every day. It contains fun things to do but also dull stuff. The tedious tasks are there because they are essential. Most people start the day with all the fun stuff and save the boring things to the end of the day. Not seldom, when it’s time for the tedious tasks, are you tired and lack energy.
“Let’s do it tomorrow…”
Can you relate to this?
What happens if you start the day with the tedious tasks? Your day will probably be full of success, and you’ll feel happier and more satisfied.
Another way of doing it is to follow a strict working plan. The day’s tasks come in logical order and will be a mix of fun and boring tasks. If you would like to embrace boredom for success, do the boring task when it appears on your to-do list in the agenda.
“Boredom may be the wellspring of creativity.”
– Rutger Bregman
Pomodoro y Pareto making the difference
In articles published earlier, I relate to two powerful methods that dramatically changed my working style. The first one is the Pomodoro technique.
To keep your efficiency on top, you work 25 minutes and rest 5. Personally, I do it for 40 minutes of work and 5 minutes of rest. This is an excellent method, especially when you are doing tedious tasks.
The other method, the Pareto method, better known as the 80/20 rule, is used extensively in different time management programs. You should plan and focus so that 80% of your results come from 20% of your work input.
Procrastination is one of the most common reasons for the low efficiency of what you’re doing, and by applying these two methods, you will progress significantly without being overwhelmed with procrastination lurking around the corner.
By the way, it’s time to take a five-minute break. (LOL)
“The best time to take a break is before you need to.”
– Chris Bailey
Love the process
All kinds of endurance sports on the athlete level seem incredibly boring. Personally, I admire swimmers; up early in the morning to make a couple of kilometers in the water and be back in the afternoon doing another tough swim training. No one to communicate with during the training. It’s just you, the water, and a tremendous willingness to achieve the results programmed for today’s training.
What is driving these well-performing athletes to continue day out and day in?
The goal is to be an Olympic winner, world champion, or whatever is on your target list.
These professional athletes know that there is no shortcut to reaching the goal. Hard training, coaching, rest, and correct nutrition are the principal cornerstones to achieving the final goal.
There will be plenty of dull moments along the road. Still, if your passion is true and your willingness to reach the final goal is strong enough, something interesting occurs:
You will start to love the process!
“Swimming isn’t everything, winning is.”
-Mark Spitz
Embrace Boredom for Success – Learning to Enjoy the Process
You often hear about the importance of having a passion for something to reach a goal. But does it mean you love what you do every day?
Not at all!
For every normal human being, it happens now and then that you are fed up with what you’re doing. But you continue the journey, no matter how hard it can be.
You love the journey, which is something completely different from being passionate 24/7. To embrace boredom for success is all about loving the journey. But how do we learn to enjoy the process of achieving the final goal?
In this video, you will get some valuable tips that helped me start my entrepreneurial journey.
Here are the links mentioned in the video:
So, what is the final goal?
Well, there is no final goal. Being an entrepreneur is an endless journey. Before you even reach the goal you are heading for, there is already a new destination in the pipeline.
“Life is a journey, not a destination.”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson
So, better ask yourself what your journey looks like.
If you are ready to start a journey that could help you find life’s destination, click the box below, and let’s go!
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