Avoid these rabbit holes and grow your online business successfully
Grow your online business successfully from the very beginning, and the foundation will be there forever.
Of all questions I get from people about how to start their online business, they all can be summarized like this:
“Of all tips and offers hitting my inbox every single day, I have no idea what I should focus on and what to prioritize. Can you please give a step-by-step recommendation to get on the right track once and for all?”
The truth is that what you get by joining our complete system and platform gives you all you need to grow your online business successfully.
There is very little I can add to this world-class system, and therefore, I will enrich the discussion by giving you some heads up to watch out for. The following 7 rabbit holes are sometimes ruining your whole business if not being aware of them and work actively to avoid them.
Grow Your Online Business Successfully by Avoiding These Rabbit Holes
As humans, we have difficulties talking about our failures. After all, everyone would like to stand out as the ultimate guru who makes it all right. We all search for success stories and try to copy them.
The truth, however, is that every single entrepreneur fails. It’s a part of the journey to grow your online business successfully. After being an online entrepreneur for more than eight years, in this article, I will reveal all the rabbit holes I have felt into. And do you know what? I’m not alone!
When you get stuck and overwhelmed, it’s not about what you need to do, but what you are doing that you shouldn’t do.
So, let’s dive right into it. For sure, you will laugh when reading, not because it’s funny, but because you identify yourself as a victim of these traps.
#1. Wrong Business Model
Most online entrepreneurs are over-enthusiastic when starting their businesses. To get it up and running quickly, it’s common to skip some of the set-up steps to start seeing results.
There is a reason why we offer a detailed 7 steps training to our students. One of the modules is about your business model. You must get this part right before even thinking about a business start. You need to know your niche. Even if half the world population is connected to the Internet, it doesn’t mean that they all are your potential customers.
All the questions and doubts you might have about creating your ideal business module will be covered. You will even get access to one-to-one coaching to get this right before going on.
#2. All for Free
A lot of new marketers online make the mistake of thinking that starting an online business should be completely free, and they shouldn’t have to invest anything to get the business off the ground.
It’s true that you can find many tools for free, but by only using free tools and software, the results will be accordingly. The website will scream “homemade,” and the necessary trust with your audience will not even take off.
Successful online entrepreneurs understand that creating and grow your online business successfully will require some sort of investment. You need to get the right tools, software, and education in place. Also, you will need the correct service and support along the road.
To believe that you can build a successful business without paying a single dime is the same as believing that you someday will win the highest lottery without even purchasing a ticket.
#3. Shiny Object Syndrome (S.O.S.)
If you have been around for a while, you know exactly what I’m talking about. In case you’re new to online marketing, listen carefully. We all fall into this trap. I did it several times before I learned how to identify these traps.
The advantage of the digital market is that it’s so easy to get access. With a certain talent, you can write down a tempting offer, not that difficult to get people hooked up to if you know how to act.
Usually, people who have failed a couple of times are vulnerable to this kind of scammy and false promises. They use your struggle to their advantage and hook you up with a lot of doubtful promises.
In an earlier article, you’ll get a step-by-step orientation on exploring these trolls acting in the marketplace and how to avoid them.
#4. Attention to the Wrong People
Shiny Object Syndrome is not a long step to the other rabbit hole for newbies in this business: listening to the wrong people.
There’s no shortage of expert advice related to the Internet and how to make money online. Unfortunately, many of the tips you will encounter, and shared strategies do not have any foundation with any proven results.
Always check out the background of people you find to be trustworthy. This is another reason why I highly recommend the system and platform I’m connected to. Besides the in-house coaches (with proven results), you will also get access to a vast community of like-minded online entrepreneurs. Each and everyone in our community can back up their expertise level with provable results.
#5. Measuring the Wrong Figures or Not Measuring at All
A successful business online is very much about “knowing your figure.” You need to know exactly how your efforts are converting into results. If not, you will not know what is working well and what isn’t. After all, it comes down to your R.O.I. (return of investment.)
I have to admit that this number’s game isn’t the funniest part of the business, and many just skip it. I was one of them. Not until I had spent an essential amount of money on different ads on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Google, I fully understand the stupidity I was up to. Leads were coming in, some converted into sales, but I didn’t know where the conversion was right and where it was wrong.
When it hit your own wallet, at least you start to rethink what you’re doing, or better, what you’re not doing.
Never invest a single dollar in ads until you have your measuring configuration in place. There are so many apps and software for free, but you have to do the job. In our system, you will get access to extensive training courses on how to get it right from the very beginning.
#6. Definition of Your Niche
It’s mentioned earlier, but it can’t be emphasized enough. To have a detailed and crystal clear definition of the niche you’re going to approach is one of the corner blocks when building your business. Most people make the mistake of reaching out to a far too broad group of people. As the saying goes:
“To market to everyone is the same as market to no one.”
But, don’t worry! Within our system and platform, you will find various courses and webinars about finding your right niche. It all starts with defining your avatar, and from there, the niche to approach will be easier to define.
It could be challenging to understand in the beginning, but the fact is that the more you can narrow down your niche, the better your results will be.
#7. Forget Perfection
When starting a business online, after investing the needed money (even if a small amount,) it’s natural that you would like to have everything set up in the best possible way. However, be careful and watch out for this number one killer of your business creation. Personally, I didn’t launch my first website until after 10 months, with the idea that it has to be “perfect.” Add on that, I consider myself quite a stubborn person.
Instead of launching my website, good enough, it took me 10 months until I had a real chance to do business. You will always tweak things on your websites, landing pages, email ads, or whatever it can be. This is a business concept that never will be ready.
Salvador Dali expresses it the way we all should think:
“Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.”
Next Step to Grow Your Online Business Successfully
The 7 mistakes described, I have lived myself, and probably many of you reading this also have the same experience.
So, there you have it, wrong business model, all for free, S.O.S. attention to wrong people, measuring, niche and perfection.
If you want to succeed with your online business, you should watch out for these rabbit holes. Instead, you should listen to experts with experience if you’re going to move quickly in this fantastic business environment.
Invest in the right tools, system, platform, and community, where every step you take will have a professional backup.
It’s your choice, your business, and your success!
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