How A Marathon Race Took Me To Online Marketing

Boston Marathon 2013
Boston Marathon 2013

How is it possible to create a business online and leverage with the passion for running?

In a moment, you will see what marathon running and online business as an entrepreneur have in common. It was even scary for myself to notice the sharp and precise similarity.

Hundreds of miles and thousands of training hours brought me to the starting blocks of my dream race, the Boston Marathon 2013. What emotion!

To qualify and run the Boston Marathon is an achievement impossible to describe with words.

This race was not only important for me as a runner, but on this day history was written for another reason. We were all reminded of our vulnerability, and that passion could have more than one impact on your life.

Conditions were close to perfect. It was chilly without being cold and with a cloudy sky where the sun appeared now and then and no wind at all. Climbing Heartbreak Hill, the final huge physical and mental effort before approaching the last 6 miles to the finish line, and still keeping the goal pace of below 4 hours.

Flags on both sides of the finish strip, representing the countries of all the participants, like a manifestation of a friendship of all nationalities united by our common passion for running marathons.

The medal around my neck and a finish time of 3:57:03, I was proud of myself. With pride and elation, slowly I walked down “finisher´s lane”, a walk that would change my life and that of many others forever.


Chaos replaced celebration!

Noise, smoke, sirens, panic, heartache and searching for friends. In seconds, the party and the celebration mode switched to something else. Fear and loathing replaced the aching in my bones as I trudged the 4 miles back to my hotel.

Getting a certain distance to this day in Boston, a lot of question were raised that required answers. One question a lot of fellows did was if it is worth training and fighting so hard to do something that could ultimately mean risking your life?

The Winning Instinct Makes The Difference.


We are winners, and nothing can stop us! That´s just the way a marathon runner thinks.

Coming to that consensus also triggered other thoughts about the mindset, a mindset a runner must have to be able to afford what is needed to conclude a marathon race.

The Boston Marathon represented a turning point. I found a passion within me that I wanted to achieve in all areas of my life. A new process started where I literally questioned everything. My day job in the corporate world no longer gave me the level of satisfaction I desired, so I started to look elsewhere. You see what this tragic Boston bomb pulled off….

When you see people running for their lives after a bomb attack, you want to run from every single activity surrounding your daily tasks, unless you feel comfortable and satisfied with it. I found myself trapped in a hamster wheel, and the human “defense” mechanism to not break free could be explained in one very short sentence:

You don’t want, you are afraid, you are too lazy….or whatever other reason you will find…………… to leave the comfort zone.

There is a quote saying something like.

“No pain no gain”

….and that is very much what it is all about. Voluntarily you don’t want to expose yourself to pain…that’s it.

What pain? That pain we are talking about when leaving the comfort zone is nothing compared to the pain all people had by suffering from the Boston bomb.

Sometimes in life you wake up when you less expect it. The Boston Marathon 2013 not only woke me up, but whole my body was finally shaken to life.

Reluctantly and skeptically, I was lead to the Internet. Here I found that same challenge and passion I had for running, very much by luck I have to admit, as so much scrap out there to really find the serious and real opportunities. It was new ground, hard work and sometimes I was completely out of my depth.

To be a successful online marketer and entrepreneur you need exactly the same mindset as a marathon runner taking the passion for running seriously. You know that the goal is possible to reach as long as you have a detailed plan, stick to the plan and are willing to overcome all the challenges along the way.

If you are willing to put in the necessary work, this opportunity to run your own business is probably something that will be of great value for you, and change your lifestyle as it did with mine.

Today I have time to run more than ever. I decide how, when and where to work.

I am my own boss.

This piece of the ultimate FREEDOM has given me two wonderful passions.

Here is how you can find your missing piece to get the lifestyle of your dreams.

Learn how to create the perfect lifestyle by building your own business. You don’t need to be a marathon runner to be a successful online entrepreneur. You just need the same mindset. If you are a marathon runner, well, then your success as an online marketer almost can be granted.

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