Let your customers close sales for you


To close sales is probably the worst part of a sales process if you don’t know how to do it. Just the horrible idea of getting a NO from your customer will scare you, and you will start to beat around the bush.

Do you remember last week’s article where I used my teenage favorite TV series, Perry Mason, as an example? He approached the final with a firm and solid argumentation to get the thief, the murderer, or whatever the case was all about, to confess the crime. The proofs were evident, and there was no escape path available.

Once and for all, forget about the image you often can see presented in movies of different types, with a rude salesperson putting his foot in the door opening to avoid getting the door closed in front of his eyes. This kind of “sales” will never work (and, in fact, has never done) and belongs to a false image created by somebody who doesn’t understand sales.


Key Tools to Close Sales Successfully

Key Tools to Close Sales SuccessfullyA professional sales process always consists of five parts, and you can now view and see the logical steps in each piece.

It’s like a crossword, where the previous word must be correct to get the final solution correctly solved. With incorrect input, the final result will never be what you want to.

D – Definition of needs

A -Adaptation to needs

P – Proof

A – Acceptance of the proof

C – Closing

During the process, the customer is involved and, like Perry Mason, helps you to get all the pieces in place to fully understand what the customer is searching for, his or her actual needs.

To help your customer create a final manifestation and a convinced purchase desire, there exist a couple of beneficial tools to use. Here are the ones I love the most.


Yes…but technique

There exists a golden rule in sales:

“The customer is always right.”

Of course, that isn’t always true. Still, an inexperienced salesperson starts to argue to get the customer to understand that he or she is wrong. Can you guess what almost always will happen in such argumentation?

The customer will win the “battle,” and most probably, your sales will be lost.

By using the “Yes…but technique,” you’ll get an opportunity to correct your customer without arguing. With the “Yes,” you’ll “agree” with empathy and have the chance to correct the customer with your “but” statement.


The If technique

No matter the degree of conviction you have achieved with the customer during the communication, some people just want to “think about it” before making a final purchase decision.

Avoid pressure, which could damage the whole business, but use the softer “if” technique.

“If you were about to make a decision today, what should you do then?”

It’s a much softer way of asking for the sale but without the obligation of the customer to deliver a clear “Yes.”


Refer to a third-person

 When you get a recommendation from a friend or family member about something, it’s much easier for you to make a decision. This psychological reality always works well in sales.

Use referrals to emphasize the value of the product for your customer. There is a reason why Amazon always publishes comments from customers. I always check the comments on Amazon before buying anything.


Alternative technique

 When your customer is about to make a purchase decision, the alternative technique will help your customer to more easy make a decision. The method consists of giving the customer two alternatives, which both will end up in a sale.

“Would you prefer your new product with these add-on features, or do you prefer to start with the slim version?”

 Both alternatives deliver answers that are positive for you, but be careful to use the method until you feel that you have the customer “on the “hook.”


How to Close Sales Online

 Is there any difference between offline and online sales?

Of course, there are practical differences, but the theory is exactly the same. Human psychological behavior does not change when buying online or offline. The biggest mistake you can make in your online sales is to assume that online customers act differently.

“So Jan, tell me how to apply the closing tools you talk about from the old traditional direct sales,” might be a question you raise right now.

Watch the video, and I’ll show you how to apply these powerful closing techniques in your online sales.

How to Close Sales Online

 Here are the links to the pages mentioned in the video:





By mastering the different techniques to close sales, you are taking one step further to become a successful online entrepreneur.

You can have the most fantastic product or service to offer to your potential market. Still, you must know how to start a relationship with your potential customers. Remember, the trust you build with your audience is mandatory to get anyone to purchase from you.

Whatever your product or service might be, the very first step to take that will give you a flying start with your online business will be to learn the steps needed to create your business professionally.

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