How To Find Your P Point.
Do you know your P point?
We are all doing a lot of different things in life, and sometimes we are happy with what we are doing, and sometimes we feel like life could be better. Some people even think they feel good when, in fact, they feel miserable.
Other people work around the clock but are at the world’s top. Meanwhile, other people are checking the time every half an hour and just wait for the end of the work session for the day.
Some people jump out of bed at 6 o’clock in the morning, full of enthusiasm and motivation, ready for new challenges, and other people wake up after 10 hours of sleep and still feel that they could sleep another 10 hours.
Why is it so different? Could it be that some people have more luck than others? Could it be that some people have a broader tolerance frame of what is affordable or not?
It’s all about your P point
…..and in a moment, we will reveal more in-depth what it is all about.
Don’t Go Broke Trying To Look Rich.
The other day I saw a post where the little daughter says to her mother.
“Don’t buy the $300 bag to have nothing in it. Buy the $10 bag and have $290 in it.”
How often does it happen that we buy stuff to be identified with a certain group of friends or a certain social group? The world is very much based on materialism, meaning that products in different shapes appeal to different behaviors and ways of living.
The main part of all marketing is based on this human “weak” point, and all marketers try their very best to find that appeal to the potential consumers and, in the end, get as many sales as possible.
How are you spending money?
When it comes to more intangible products such as traveling, concerts, and similar, the satisfaction of experiencing something is the main selling argument, where the consciousness of price versus value is much higher.
Normally, it is not a priority issue to fly first or economy class if you are on your way to a safari in Africa. You’d rather spend your money on the activities around the safari than on the transport to the event (the safari in this example).
The Six Figure Mentors, to take just one example, never try to convince people to join based on an approach like “get rich within a week or two.” The successful people joining our group of entrepreneurs are people searching for freedom, independence, and a much deeper Purpose in life.
It’s interesting to see that people in our community view the mission in this way: We work hard and do it with pleasure because we are on a Mission. Eventually, the money will drop in as well, not because we are chasing the money but because the mission is carried out in a correct, serious, and solid way.
How To Find Your Purpose
The formula, as said earlier, is to find the P point or the Purpose.
What is the purpose? The purpose of what? Of your life.
To find your P point, you need to understand that you are influenced by two different dimensions or “wheels,” an inner wheel and a more peripheral wheel. They are very much tied together.
As always, in a serious analysis of what to do in life, the mandatory question,
What do you love?
…will always come up as an entrance question. Thinking it over, it will be quite tough and boring to do things and don’t love them. But many people are suffering from this every day. On top of that, they are prepared to do it for the rest of their lives.
As for the second question, I would argue that,
What does the world need?
… should be answered. If I love to do something, but no one in the world needs it, it will be a tough business or activity.
As number three,
What are you good at?
… should be analyzed.
… last but not least, in this peripheral wheel, we must look after that we can get paid for the product or the service we intend to produce.
In the inner wheel, you’ll find on the top,
Passion & Mission
…..which together decide what you really love. Sounds logical, doesn’t it?
On the left-hand side, the two words,
Passion & Profession
….together, make “What you are good at,” which also sounds like a correct consequence.
Going around the wheel, you will see how all these different characteristics and environments fit together like a solid puzzle.
When you put it all together transparently and honestly, you will find your P point, or the Purpose of doing what you are doing or pretending to do.
Doing some experimental movements in the model, you will see interesting things happen.
For instance, if we focus only on getting paid, chasing the money, or trading time for money, we will move down towards the “For what you get paid” sector, and you will create a distance to the “What you love, passion and mission” segment.
One of the first steps in the initial training when joining the Six Figure Mentors is to create a blueprint. All participants have to think about the purpose of life and their future. The mission and the plan with the online marketing offered through the platform of the Six Figure Mentors, will be the end result
Download for free the Method for List Building.
This is the first little appetizer to view how we work in the Six Figure Mentors. Do what we love, and you’ll become pretty good at support and training, what the world needs. And guess what? You will get paid and earn a lot of money.
Entrepreneurship is not easy. It has never been. And for sure, it will never be. But the Six Figure Mentors will foster real online marketers who love what we are doing.
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