Internet for Dummies
Dan Gookin, the creator of the movement of all these Books for Dummies, probably was a victim of something in life that gave him the idea to create these fantastic manuals. I don’t know anybody who, at least not, has read one “For Dummies” book. More than an easy-to-follow- manual, the title is the key to the success of the books.
As humans, we always have a predicted opinion about almost everything before really getting into the subject. Strangely, we have already justified whether the theme is something we are going to get deeper into or just skip it as something outside the range of our educative capability.
By using the keywords “for dummies” in all the titles, the author of the book appeals to us not to accept to be treated as fouls. At least the personal ego will not allow us to label ourselves as stupid. We can accept to be niched as many different individuals but never ever as stupid
The first “Dummie”
The first “Dummy” book published was about the operative system DOS, better known as MS-DOS (Micro Soft-Disc Operating System), and as I understand the start for Microsoft to launch their famous Windows programs which allowed “normal” people like you and me to enter into the computer world.
By publishing the “DOS for Dummies,” the sophisticated PC world opened up for everyone who refused to be seen as stupid individuals.
As I do not belong to the younger generation who literally was born with a PC, a Tablet, and a Smartphone in their hands, we also belong to a large group of people who do not want to “complicate“ life with more new education.
“This is nothing for me.”
“I am too old for this.”
“I have not the technical skills for this stuff.”
The arguments for why we should not try to learn these new computer and Internet skills can be extended considerably, but it remains an argument valid but not a proven reality that we cannot do it.
Are you a living dinosaur?
What we upper-age people are doing by refusing to “understand” computers and the Internet is nothing else than qualifying ourselves as “living dinosaurs,” a race convicted to die out as the environment will not be able to offer the necessary conditions for this group of people.
With some accumulated age, we can all remember those days when we lined up at the local bank office to charge the monthly salary check and a the same time, pay the monthly periodical bills like electricity, water, gas, etc. The reality today, no matter if we like it or not, is that the salary or other payments like commissions are automatically transferred to our bank account. In many countries in the most developed parts of the world, it is difficult to find a bank office to do these operations.
The Industrial Revolution and the IT boom
The Industrial Revolution, which took place almost 200 years ago, completely changed the way of production using different machines. The efficiency improved enormously, and the “dinosaurs” by that time insisted on handmade products, which sooner or later had to surrender. The people who saw the potential in the new wave where the machines were the keys to success took advantage of the new technology and developed it further. Assembly in line is one example of further development; for example, it made Ford Motor Company the biggest automobile company in the world back in 1932.
The so-called IT boom is just another example of how new technology can improve production further, and today, factories in different segments are literally run by computer systems. The consumer part of the IT evolution has developed more with a silent touch. But figures from the online business world show clearly where we are heading.
Internet – the new marketplace
According to Internet World Stats
- There were 3,035 million Internet users as of June 2014, which corresponds to 42,3% of the world population
- In the first quarter of 2015, the daily active Facebook users had increased to 936 million
Further, e-commerce statistics show that 40% of worldwide internet users have bought something online. It means that 40% of 3,035 million, equal to 1,214 million, have used their credit cards on the Internet. There is no stop there. It continues to grow to dramatically high figures
The business potential is huge. It is natural and logical that more “actors” show up on the market to get their share of the cake. In the same way, MS-DOS was earmarked for IT gurus until the ice was broken with “DOS for Dummies.” ModernWealthy is built for every single person who believes in this booming online business.
Maybe my enthusiasm is floating away, and the aim of my blog is not commercial but informative. But I cannot refrain from emphasizing how ModernWealthy entered my life as the
“Online Business for Dummies”
….. book I had been waiting for for a long time.
A Failure to Adapt – The Failure to Survive
The extinction of dinosaurs started millions of years ago. Today’s evolution follows exactly the same pattern as the extinction of today’s “dinosaurs” in business. A failure to adapt to new ways of doing business will make it difficult or perhaps impossible to survive in the niche or segment where the company or the organization was a leader a short time ago. What happened to Kodak when digital photos became an outstanding way to illustrate images?
We have the freedom to express our opinions. But the evolution around us is always configured by more than our personal micro-environment. As the business world develops, I believe that all experts agree that online business will dominate the entire world of commerce much sooner than we can even imagine in our wildest fantasy.
We have two choices:
Become a part of it
Disappear like a dinosaur!
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