Give me your lifestyle preferences and I’ll tell you your age
Lifestyle preferences are on every single individual’s to-do-list, wish-list, or whatever you would like to call your list. We all strive for an optimized way of living where a lot of things have to be in balance.
Even if there are studies showing that your biological peak for things in life follows a certain pattern, the way you relate to life is the most important ingredient.
Your lifestyle preferences always need to be in balance with:
- Family
- Career
- Work
- Hobbies
- Social life
As you rapidly can notice, these 5 variables, or cornerstones, will vary over time. Your family life indeed is different when you’re 20 years old compared to the age of 50.
After school, you start to climb the career ladder, while the years before retirement will have a completely different approach.
The way you work, the way you practice your hobbies and your social life, they all change over time. Your lifestyle preferences are nothing else than a mirror of those 5 cornerstones.
The most complete article I ever have seen and that analyzes the topic in a very professional and engaging way is “Transitioning from College to Career: A Guide for New Grads”, written by Rebecca Moses. It’s a must read!
When you read the article, you will get an ahaaa awareness you seldom get when reading blog posts online. The way Rebecca describes your life cycle get you to understand that your life preferences impossible can be the same whole of your life.
With Different Lifestyle Preferences Follow Different Approaches
A lot of people online, as you right now, try to convince people with the same tools, no matter if a young person, or a retired senior in your audience. Nothing can be more wrong! There will not be any connection, period.
In an earlier article, I gave 3 tips to make your goals fail-proof. These tips are of course still valid, but by adding Kelli Gardener’s more profound thoughts to it, you’ll get a toolbox that will help you to achieve your goals.
Going back to the 5 cornerstones mentioned earlier, try to describe how you prioritize them. Be honest, because in the next step you will make the same thing, but this time as you would like to prioritize them, if not influenced by anything else than your wish or dream.
Any difference?
Most people in their early age use to have work and career on the top, while senior people tend to have family, hobbies and social life on the top. Of course, you can always argue that you first need to make some money. You need to build up a financial asset you can rely on when time to focus on family and hobbies.
This argument is valid, especially in the environment that we baby boomers come from. The exciting news in today’s digitalized world is that you can prioritize the way you want. That wasn’t possible 35 years ago.
Family And Work; Is It An Issue For Lifestyle Preferences?
As a young career hungry university graduate, the career and work were priority number one and two. The entrepreneurial desire was always there. Some projects even were developed to finally be able to create my own business. Unfortunately, they went down the drain when the financing issue had to be solved. Back then you needed a considerable amount of money to start a business.
The conditions have changed dramatically. Today you can start your own business with an amount of money that is ridiculously low. You can even start up at a cost not higher than a meal at Mac Donald’s.
The lifestyle preferences for me follow today a pattern that I want and not the one the circumstances dictate.
Today is the day when you’re going to re-do your priority list, no matter your age. Step number one: Click here and get access to the free workshop video series showing you exactly how to start a profitable online business starting from scratch!
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