What Marketers Can Learn From Donald Trump


A whole world is hooked up on one single thing.

If you are waiting for a political blog post, then you are at the completely wrong site. If you are searching for arguments for or against Donald Trump, there is only one thing I can promise you. you will not find them in this post!

This is going to be 100% about marketing and what marketers can learn from the presidential campaign.

On the 16th of June 2015, Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President of the United States. For relatively non-interested people, like myself, of the U.S. political life, Donald Trump with his unique approach, and Hilary Clinton based on her recognition built up over the years, these two people have focused more than normal the world’s interest in the upcoming U.S. elections.

We are all waiting for today’s speech of Donald Trump. It’s like waiting for the next episode of our favorite TV series. We don’t care about the political position he takes. Neither we care about the relevance of what he says. It’s something else. It’s what marketers can learn from his rally.

Clinton, Sanders, Cruz, and the rest of the gang seem to be somewhat confused as Trump goes on. His very particular style shakes it all up. The “traditional” candidates are working hard to find a way to redirect their political messages. They search for something they believe people will listen to. No matter if you are a democratic, republican, or something else, no one wants to miss the next episode of the “Donald Trump show.”

All marketers around the world, no matter where they got their training, love to use certain models and formulas to explain the different sequences in a marketing campaign or a marketing funnel. One of the oldest formulas I know about and which still is valid is called…


AIDA stands for Attention, Interest, Desire and Action.

Whatever you are trying to sell, a product, a service, a message, or something else, you need to analyze carefully backward. How to get the potential customer to take Action = buy your product or vote for you in the presidential elections.

It’s quite easy to get people to take action if the Desire is in place. In other words, they like your product, service, message, or whatever it can be.

The classical approach politician take all over the world goes like this:

“Vote for me, and I promise you 1 million new jobs, tax cuts, and less pollution,..”

They start at the end of the model.  The idea is to try selling a product without knowing if the potential customers even are listening to them.

If you randomly ask people around the world what Clinton, Sanders, and Cruz are going to do if they become the president of the United States, it will probably not be something concrete. Instead, answers most likely will be typical political soft talk, not saying anything at the end. I’m pretty sure that the majority of people included in the poll will fail.

Now, assume asking the same question to the same audience about Trump. I do believe that a majority, at least, will say that he is going to build a wall between the United States and Mexico.

Here is the point, like or dislike the wall at the border, Donald Trump gets your Attention. What marketers can learn from this is that he is only focusing on one single thing:

Get Your Attention

The closer he gets to the day of the truth, the day of the decision. Will he become the candidate for his party or not? For this,  he needs to dig into the next three points. To grab your Interest, he states that the wall will be financed by Mexico. Being a fan of Trump or not, no one can disagree that the whole thing is getting hot and exciting. “How is he going to get Mexico to pay for his wall?”

Now, when getting closer, we all know that he needs to turn his potential followers into real voters.  There must be a Desire to get him as a Republican candidate.

A true desire will ensure success. The Action to vote for him will be just a mere formality.

What the whole world is waiting for now is to watch carefully how Donald Trump will achieve his remaining goals, Desire, and Action.

Screaming titles sticking out are selling in all news media. Donald Trump, through his strategy, gets much more attention than any other presidential candidate.

Whatever you are doing regarding politics, business, or any other activity where mobilizing masses of people is necessary to get success, always start with the most important first, get the…..


When I decided to be my own boss a few years ago and went into the online business, what brought me into this was, yes, you are right…..


After all the false and scammy promises about being rich within a few days, without doing much, I found an ad in a media that I didn’t expect to find, about the possibility of being an independent entrepreneur, if I was willing to work hard, invest some money (affordable for my economy), accept it as a serious business opportunity, and afford to “suffer” a while until the business started to grow,  being reliable and profitable.

It was an ad completely different from all the others, and instead of painting everything in shiny colors, it almost guaranteed all the hard work to go through before reaching the goal.

For the first time, I paid attention to this kind of opportunity.

Initially, I started part-time, and after six months, I was ready to quit my corporate job.


Without getting my attention in the first step, I would never read the rest. When signing up for the free video bootcamp, my interest was triggered almost immediately, and after going through the video series, I had no doubt about my Desire, Action was taken….and here we are.

Donald Trump and I are both on missions. Indeed, the purposes are completely different. He is running for the presidency of the United States, and I’m on a mission to create more online entrepreneurs.

We need more proud marketers, ordinary people like you and me, who restlessly are searching for the ultimate freedom, the freedom to be your own boss and live the lifestyle of your dreams.

Did I get your attention?

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