If money can buy you happiness, what will then the price be?
Money can buy you happiness indirectly. I’ll better start with this kind of disclaimer before going forward about the theme of how money can buy you happiness.
Never before since I started my blog five years ago have I felt so scared on one side but also convinced, on the other hand, to write about such a “conflictive” topic.
How often haven’t you heard money is the root of all evil? In that sense, to say that money can buy you happiness, you need to be aware that you’re outside your comfort zone. Money, as such, is just an instrument to obtain products and services. If the abundance of all material things around you should be equivalent to happiness, then I agree entirely that money never will make you happy.
We all have heard these stories about ordinary people that suddenly win an astronomically huge amount of money on the lottery. Life changes completely, and they acquire material things that existed in their dreams earlier. The sad part is that their story often ends up in a tragedy when all money is gone.
Is it then true that money can’t buy you happiness?
Viewing money as a tool for happiness and nothing else then gets another meaning. The question should then not be how to use the money but how to use the tool correctly. It’s like building a house. You will need a lot of different tools to get the house in place. They will help you to get the building constructed.
If money can buy you happiness….
You need to view money in the same way. It can set the stage and pave the way for circumstances that can bring happiness to your life.
Taking a look at Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, you will probably find the answers to many of the questions about money and happiness.
All buildings, like in this case, a pyramid, need a solid foundation to resist all turbulences that can occur. The primary needs in Maslow’s pyramid are food and other physiological needs to survive. But then safety and security appear as number two. What could that mean?
Well, if you start to earn some extra money, or like in the case of the person who wins the lottery, intelligently use this extra money. Make a smart investment. The thing is to look for something making money working for you.
Warren Buffett:
“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
It’s a very true statement and proof that money works for you.
Whatever your goals in life could be, you need some sort of start-up capital. There are different stories about how Warren Buffet built his empire. Still, in the early ’50s, he started out with $9,800, and in a few years, his personal capital reaches the amount of $140,000. Quite an impressive rate of return.
Earlier, the only route to wealth and economic freedom was through investments in one way or another. There are many examples of people who make a fortune on the stock exchanges around the world. Real estate is another gold mine for investors. There are probably a few other niches following the same pattern, like gold, diamonds, and bitcoins.
Although very different markets, they all have one thing in common.
The money works for you!
Now, let’s take a look at the other side of the coin, where most people are positioned.
Employment in a corporation.
You are hired to do a job, and you get paid for the work you do. If you are talented and vital for your company, you can start to climb the famous career ladder.
There are many examples of people who have made good money in the corporate world due to their unique talent. However, the big winner will always be the company you are working for. After all, they invested in the product or service to develop and hired you to make it happen.
You are trading your time for money!
The advantage of the new digital era is that anybody without experience or a considerable amount of start-up capital to invest can start their own business. Running your own business is definitely not for everyone. Some people just don’t have the necessary passion for doing it.
The second segment of Maslow’s pyramid talks about security and safety. Many find that protection in a monthly paycheck from an employer. The pandemic we are living in right now opens many people’s eyes. Never before in modern history so many people have lost their “safe” jobs.
The stay-at-home mode also motivates us to think differently.
What is a safe job?
The cruel truth is that no job on earth is 100% safe. Being even harsher, in this pandemic chaos, when all companies all over the world are doing what they can to survive, you, as an employee, are only another brick in the game. Being your own boss, and running your own company, of course, imply risks.
To even think about running your own business, you must feel good to act on the edge of your comfort zone. A total risk-free business doesn’t exist! However, there are concepts with fewer risks than others.
Time Is Money And Money Can Buy You Happiness
Never before so many entrepreneur-minded people have started their own businesses online. The reason is simple and straightforward. People are searching for freedom and more happiness in life. The big switch in today’s world is that you are not forced to be tied to a “safe” salary to find freedom.
To live the dot com life or a laptop lifestyle, you just need to take a few steps. And most importantly, you don’t have to come up with a fortune as start-up capital. In fact, many do it part-time while still continuing with their corporate job.
Now, if time is money, then the money is also time. Money can buy you happiness indirectly insofar as money can buy time. Time is the most valuable of the non-renewable resources we have.
In fact, it’s the only variable on earth that is 100% democratic. No matter race, gender, age, or income, we all have 24 hours a day, not a second more and not a second less. The challenge here is how you use your time.
You hire a cleaning service if you don’t have time to clean your house. If something goes wrong with your car, you hire a technician to fix it. And so we can go on with a long list of services you can buy to save time. But what do you do to dedicate more time to your favorite hobby or travel the world with your family, just to take a few examples?
Can you see, it’s all about time. Get time to do what makes you happy.
Use It As A Tool And You Will See How Money Can Buy You Happiness
The point is that buying time allows you to do what really makes you happy.
The smart way to run an online business will give you plenty of time. Click the banner below and get a mind-blowing explanation and guidelines on starting your own online business today.
All the technical stuff is already done for you. Millions of dollars have been invested in a platform and system that will get you going sooner than you can imagine right now.
No technical skills are needed.
Neither will you need any previous experience.
The only thing you need will be a serious commitment to give it a try and a burning desire to be your own boss, not depending on anybody else than yourself.
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