Multilingual skills could be the gateway to your success on the Internet
Your multilingual skills represent one of your silent but powerful advantages in today’s automated environment.
The relatively quiet but fast and irrevocable change in our society is getting more viral every day. To a high degree, your connection highly depends on how you can communicate with the environment where you are active. Every serious entrepreneur knows how important it is to have a blog.
The blogging activity around the world is increasing daily. Since blogging started in a serious way some 20 years ago, the activity is constantly changing and fine-tuning. From being a multilingual global forum, today every serious blogger knows that English is a must if you want to rank your blog in the so important search engines on the web.
A lot of people not having English as their native language, through in the towel and accept the defeat, when the truth is that you actually can take advantage of your multilingual skills.
Multilingual Skills And Fear Do Not Fit Together
If English isn’t your native language, you don’t need to dominate English in a perfect way to get started with your blogging. By the way, what is perfect? Your audience isn’t reading your blog post to correct your language.
Forget about the fear we all had in school when the language teacher was correcting your homework. Your audience is reading your post for an entirely different reason. They search for particular content, and when reading your post, they have found something that may be the solution to a problem they have.
The phrase, “Content is King,” you have probably heard several times. And that is what it’s all about. Have you ever seen something like: “Spelling or grammar is King”?
By now you might notice that English isn’t my native language. It’s not even my second language but the third. I consider my English grammar and spelling fairly good, but if English is your mother tongue, you might notice nuances and particular vocabulary indicating that I’m not an English native speaker.
So what?
The reason why you read this text right now is that you have found a piece of content that could be of interest to you.
Let your multilingual skills motivate colleagues and fellows around the globe. Turn off that “fear-button” immediately and start sharing your experience and knowledge, which will be an appreciated contribution to the community where you hang out.
Unique Contributions From People With Multilingual Skills
If “Content is King,” then “Communication is Queen.”
Being multilingual is much more than just being able to talk several languages. It’s a fantastic way of diving into other cultures. And in today’s globalization the understanding and interaction with different cultures, traditions, and customs, is a hidden advantage a lot of people with multilingual skills don’t use.
Many multilingual individuals just underestimate the importance of having this unique diversity of cultural insight and understanding. Doing business is all about trust. Knowing the “rules of the game” in other non-English-speaking countries will automatically give you an advantage compared to other actors in the market.
Here you have a bonus card totally for free. Use that power! Sometimes non-English bloggers write things that are grammatically correct, but no native blogger would write it like that. It could be that the phrase is totally out of date. It’s good if you know somebody who can help you to point out such mistakes. Otherwise, don’t care about it! You are writing content and not giving a language lesson.
Tips For Bloggers With Multilingual Skills To Improve
As an active blog writer, you need to train your skills continuously. That includes, of course, language training. Read and listen as much in English as you can.
Personally, I sometimes read cartoons, and there are two reasons for that:
1) If there is a word you don’t understand completely, often you can figure it out by taking a look at the picture.
2) It’s true that a cartoon language could give a heart attack to a member of a council to protect the English language.
But the slang and wording used in a cartoon reflect quite well the way the language is spoken right now by average and ordinary people. A language develops and changes constantly.
Some years ago when I was doing business in Brazil, I had to learn the language to be able to manage a business talk. I have to admit, that having Spanish as my second language helped me considerably.
But when sitting on a flight among other business people, they must have been wondering what kind of weird person I was by reading Donald Duck. But thanks to the cartoons I could manage the language quite well.
Do never “translate”! What do I mean by that?
Write the blog post from the very first draft to the final post in English. Do not write it in your native language and then translate it. It will never be good, as different languages use different ways of expressing the same thing. For example, Latin languages are more emotional in their expressions, while Anglo-Saxon languages have a tendency to express everything in a “strictly correct” and often a very “cold” way.
OK Let’s Do It!
In our digital world, there are tons of various tools and applications you can use to help you to get your writing good. Do not rely totally on these tools but pick a few that you really believe can support your work. It’s easy to become an app freak when you start to scroll around and see what is available.
Personally, I use Grammarly, which is an excellent tool to make advanced spell checks and also grammar checks. Use it with a high level of criteria and it could help you to bend out certain linguistic question marks.
As multilingual, we know that perfection is something very relative, or as Salvador Dalí said once:
“Have no fear of perfection, you’ll never reach it.”

Belonging to such a multicultural community as the Six Figure Mentors for my online marketing business gives you an excellent opportunity to meet people from all over the world. Even if English is the official language in the community, you come across plenty of different cultures and languages.
Your multilingual skills will be a good help to easier understand the particularities in different cultures. As a blogger and an online entrepreneur, you will easier understand different consumer and purchase habits.
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