How to connect pleasure and pain!
Don’t worry about the pain we are going to analyze in this article. It has nothing to do with masochism. The idea to write about this “pleasant” pain popped up in my head three days ago, while running my last marathon for the year.
During 42.195 meters (26.3 miles) or more or less 4 hours, you’ll have time to think about a lot of things. When it’s time to hit the famous “wall,” which by the way always will happen, and the pain in your body reaches the peak of what you can afford, you know that your reward will come if you can get through towards the finish line.
Typically you relate to something that hurts when talking about pain, and who would like to be hurt? Your brain sends out “signals” as a prevention and with a “message” to do something. By experience, in most of the cases, you will know what to do in each event of pain.
For example, when you’re hungry, if you don’t eat, the hunger can reach a level of pain, and your stomach is screaming out loudly: EAT!
When you get a headache, you do something (if knowing what it is) to get rid of the pain, or you take an Aspirin.
Pain As A Reward

Now, let’s take a look at what I would like to call for positive pain.
We all have a lot of memories from the time back in school and where you had to do a performance in front of a larger group of people. The first time you did it, most probably you were nervous as never before. That kind of nervousness fulfilled two purposes:
1) You were prepared to do whatever it takes to make an outstanding performance. Often it leads to an unconscious extra training from your side to not leave anything unprepared.
2) You know that the pain caused by the nervousness will get its reward, frequently in the form of an overwhelming ovation from the audience.
Dr. Mathieu Roy makes an interesting analysis of the pain issue in an article in the Journal of Neurosciences, March 24, 2010. The test made, shows how we as humans much easier can afford pain if it’s connected to pleasure or rewards.
“No Pain – No Gain”

You have heard it many times before, but it’s truer than ever. This famous quote describes in a few words what it’s all about. Whatever you are going to do in life, whether it’s running, or any other sport, or business of any kind, you must separate yourself from the crowd to achieve your goal. Performance on a successful level makes noise.
A lot of people will call you “crazy.” Others will try their very best to turn you down. Do you know why? They are afraid of that you will succeed, and they have no guts to take up the challenge themselves.
As an entrepreneur and passionate marathon runner, I often have to take decisions, as I whole the time is acting on the edge of my comfort zone.
Some years back I had a problem to find time and harmony to combine my marathon training with the rest of my life. In the corporate job you need to fit into a schedule and general business plan of your boss. Often it came in conflict with my passion for running and the time-consuming training.
I had to make a choice. Ordinary people should quit the running as the job “must be saved.”, but I did the opposite. I resigned from my corporate job, and my new business life changed completely as a digital marketer.

First I figured out part time how to make a living, and six months later “all in.”
To rely on the new business caused a lot of pain while developing the business. Be sure about that. The challenge wasn’t to fail and go back to what I did before, but the challenge not to fail, under no circumstances.
You can transcribe the pain into late evenings, weekend work, investments that didn’t give a reasonable rate of return.
In return, the pain rewarded me with a freedom I can use as I wish, of course with a lot of responsibility.
The pain to create my own business, is similar to the one you get when hitting the “wall” in a marathon race. You know for sure that the reward is waiting for you when crossing the finish line.
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