For senior entrepreneurs the future has never looked so good


Senior entrepreneurs have never before had such a promising future. It took me a pretty long time to fully understand as a senior citizen the bright future ahead. You’re so focused on your career and getting things done that few people really start to think about their senior life.

Then comes retirement, and not until you one day break your routine for many years will you be hit by the fact that you actually are retired. By taking measures time before retirement and prepare your new way of living, the “hit” at least will be softer.

What senior entrepreneurs of today have, that doesn’t exist only a few decades ago, is the digital world. One of the advantages of “grown-up” people is their experience. The ability to recognize opportunities is often better than among the younger generations.


This could be your story


I’m sure many can relate to my story. There are many loose threads to tie up after years of experience. Your story is probably different, but we all share the same pattern in one way or another.

It could be that you have many ideas obtained during your active life in the corporate world. Now it’s the moment to bring these ideas to life and let them fly. 

Many people with an entrepreneurial mindset and with fantastic business ideas put their projects on hold. Usually, it’s due to a lack of capital and a conviction that an online world without money is an impossible mission.

The fact is that an online business startup requires less capital than old traditional offline business adventures. But the basics for success without funds remain the same.


Senior Entrepreneurs Have All the Advantages


Senior Entrepreneurs- All the AdvantagesYou need a serious idea linked together with a plan of execution from the very beginning. If your great idea with a plan is well thought out from the beginning, the money issue won’t stop the project. Yes, there will be long working days without sleep.

Indeed, you will be frustrated several times. And yes, and you will fail over and over again. But if your passion is strong enough, nothing can stop you.

As senior entrepreneurs, we have particular, I would say, unique advantages.


#1. Experience

Do not underestimate your life experience. A long career behind, of course, will leave some sort of footprint. The daily work for many years often fades out the enormous advantage of your life experience.

Stop for a minute and make a review of your life so far. Think about all the mistakes you made. What did you learn from all the failures? What success stories are you proud of? In what particular area do people see you as an authority.

Take this exercise seriously, and you will find plenty of skills and knowledge with your experience as an age advantage.


#2. Financial status 

It’s not about money but rather how you manage your resources. Wealthy or not, all years of working are accumulating some sort of funds. You’re not starting from scratch like back in your early 20ths. Your experience is also teaching you how to be resourceful. Use this unique knowledge!

Particularly in today’s online world, it’s easy to fall into the trap of the so-called “shiny objects.” No one is better “trained” than mature adults with years of experience to avoid those traps.

Whatever business you would like to start, you’ll always need startup capital. Nothing is for free! If you come across something for “free,” get away from it as quickly as possible. It’s pore fake! Commonly, you can get a free trial period, but sooner or later, you will need to pay something. After all, we are doing business.

The advantage we have today with the online industry is that the investment is lower than ever. You don’t need an investment of millions like the franchise opportunities you can find in the market.


#3. Time

The beauty of time is that it’s a resource, probably the only one, entirely equal for everybody. Rich or poor, we all have 24 hours a day, not a single second more or a second less. The unique advantage as a senior is that you will have a lot of available time. I mean, the day you officially retire, you will have 8 hours a day to fill up with something.

The immediate reaction will be that when you have time as a retiree, you will do things you didn’t have time to do when working. You will spend more time with your spouse, children, grandkids, and friends. All that is good news, but there are 40 hours released free time every single week.

According to some sources, retirees are 40% more likely than workers to suffer from clinical depression. The boredom of not having much to do is the main reason.


#4. Pic a topic

To start a business online without money is very much about choosing the right topic or idea your business will be built on. It doesn’t have to be something revolutionary. One of the best strategies I’ve heard about to pick the right topic is to write down 5 passions, 5 fears, and 5 problems. 

With age, we also accumulate a lot of skills, passion, and hobbies. For sure, there is something you are passionate about and that you would like to transmit to like-minded senior entrepreneurs.

Write what you are passionate about, your fears, and the problems. From there, you narrow it down, and from 15 ideas, you will indeed find something you can hang up your business idea around. Maybe you’ll find a good idea out of your 15 topics, or perhaps you mix a passion with fear and a problem, and you’ll find something. 

When you find something that sounds good to you, fine-tune, make changes, put a name on it, build a plan around it, move forward, and launch it.


#5. Affiliate business for senior entrepreneurs

Building a business online without money or almost without any funds is a real possibility in today’s online environment. It has allowed plenty of people to make their dreams come true. 

However, you will need a product or service to sell. You’ll also need to manage the marketing properly throughout the vast list of potential customers you’ll get in touch with to offer your product. 

The shortcut to all this is called affiliate marketing. As an affiliate, you can promote a product that already exists, and you’ll earn a commission for your sales.

The next affiliate marketing level is to get all in a box, and then I mean ALL.

The training, the platform to build your website, the platform to build your list of potential customers, the product, and even people selling the product for you. 

The best way to start a business online with minimal funds is to become an affiliate marketer. You can concentrate all your efforts on your business and don’t need to struggle with all the technical stuff.

Why affiliate marketing?

There are many reasons why affiliate marketing is so popular among all people entering the online environment. Here are some of the most important ones:

  • No need for your own product
  • No inventory tieing up capital
  • All necessary marketing material already done for you
  • You don’t have to care about the essential customer service
  • A flexible model allowing you to work on your terms
  •   And many more….

Of course, there are plenty of different affiliate programs out there. You must do your research to end up right from the beginning. Checkpoint to tick off:

  • Clearly establish commission system with monthly payouts
  • Reliable customer service available
  • Set up allowing you to build your customer list with leads coming in
  • Money-back guarantee
  • Complete system and platform where you get all you need, including
  • Training
  • Coaching
  • Support
  • Platform to build your website
  • Community with likeminded entrepreneurs


All Senior Entrepreneurs Should Start Here!


Senior Entrepreneurs: Start Here!Nothing is for free in any business adventure. However, affiliate marketing allows you to access a system and a platform that had an investment cost to create it that you probably wouldn’t be able to afford. We are talking about less than a hundred dollars; your own business can get started today RIGHT NOW.

If this sounds good to you, check this out and go for it.

If you would like to learn more about affiliate marketing, check these articles:

“How to be Successful in Affiliate Marketing 2021”

“Why Affiliate Marketing is the Best Option for Seniors Starting an Online Business”

“How Seniors Starting Affiliate Marketing Can Change the Way of Living”


A new episode in life for all senior entrepreneurs

After reading this article, you have two options:

  1. Continue as before, with a possible downgrading of your lifestyle as a retiree
  2. Click here to give your own future as a retiree a fair chance to maintain your lifestyle and even upgrade it. Start doing all that you have in your planning as a retiree, but that so far not have been possible to materialize due to….yes, you know what.

If you still have some more years to go before retirement will be a reality, start acting now. It’s a perfect moment to prepare for your retirement and having a flying start when the age is there. 

Let’s apply the Robin Sharma formula:

Dream big!

Start small!

Act now!

……by clicking on the box below.

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