Get the “start loving Mondays” formula and change everything
Start loving Mondays remains as a utopia for many, while others already have achieved it. The thing is to know the formula and not cheat yourself.
Forget about hating or disliking certain days of the week. Monday represents 12.5% of your life. Why should you suffer these days, when you can start loving Mondays by implementing a few simple but powerful steps?
The old traditional way of life and done by the majority of people is to get an education, get a job, and trade your time and knowledge for a monthly paycheck. Many people do not even like their job. Not necessarily you have to hate your job, but according to a Gallup survey, 66% of employees worldwide are not engaged or are actively disengaged in their job.
The lack of satisfaction with the job is the primary reason the Monday syndrome is growing bigger. The typical answer and also the standard intent of the solution is to change employment. It sounds good as a theory, but how easy is that, especially in these pandemic times?
Now, there is another way to go.
Don’t Quit Your Job if You Would like to Start Loving Mondays
Without being aware of it, I disliked my job when starting my online marketing journey. What kept me going on was a good income and other exciting fringe benefits. But my passion for what I actually was doing wasn’t on the high side.
Typical “trading time for money” victim!
Keeping your job while starting up your online business, then affiliate marketing is a perfect business formula. You don’t need to worry about products, warehouses, sales, or anything else you must do in a traditional offline business.
Your time is limited as you continue your corporate job and bringing in money to cover your monthly costs. Later, when going full time with your online marketing, you can expand your business into other areas. The possibilities are literally unlimited.
Figure out how the online affiliate system can change your life. Click here, or the banner below and start loving Mondays as you never have done before.
The statement, “Today is a good day to die,” has been used for many different occasions.
Let’s rebuild the quote somewhat and say:
“Today is a good day to start a new lifestyle.”
The “Formula”
Now I will probably disappoint some of you reading this. The fact is that there is no magic” formula” to start loving Mondays or any other day of the week.
Take any activity you do regularly and that you like to do. You’ll find that such activity already fulfills the 3 steps that follow.
#1. You need to find the reason – your “why”
Do you remember when at school? There were classes you loved, and then there were classes that you hated more than anything else on this earth. Think about it for a while, and probably you will find that for the courses you hated, you didn’t see the “why.”
In my case, there was one particular topic I didn’t like very much, but I put in a lot of effort anyway. The reason I did it was because I knew the “why.” The knowledge during those classes was necessary for what I would like to do in life.
This your “why” not necessarily means that you like the topic. Instead, you need to be convinced that you need to add something to your life, for whatever reason it could be.
You need to be 100% convinced that you need to add something to your life. It has to be an activity that will drive you to do something different. In many cases, we accept life as it is and, in a certain way, try our very best to “suffer through” the time we are staying on this planet.
How to understand your why
You need to know and understand your “why.”
In the case of your work, loving Mondays has nothing to do with Monday, but how you relate to your job in general. The “why” driving you to do what you’re doing is money-related. You need an income to survive.
We can choose to decide if we want our lives to be like that, or like me, who never would accept a “suffering-plan,” search for something that will help to get a change in place.
When I found that something had to change, I started to surf around on the Internet. I could never imagine that within a short time, I should become an online marketer.
Fortunately, I didn’t fall into the trap of the false and scammy “get-rich-quick” schemes. Still, I could focus on a system and platform that would bring me to an entirely new mindset.
It’s not only a question of start loving Mondays but to do something every day that will be a real passion of yours.
This brings us over to the second point in this little “find-yourself-analysis-journey.”
#2. You need to have a passion for what you are doing
Without a passion, you will get bored pretty soon and, as a consequence, tired and reluctant to what you are doing.
I will never promise you that the online business with the system I’m using or any other platform will attract you, make you start loving Mondays, and change your life.
We are all different. However, it is worth giving it a try if you don’t have anything else in the pipeline that will blow your mind towards the land of passions.
After all, we are talking about a very modest investment compared to the cost of starting a company a few decades ago.
#3. Let the money work for you
It might sound like a cliché, but to let the money work for you is the third and necessary piece you need to get your new life “formula” to work.
During my life behind me, I have always been trading my work for money. What does this mean? For a specific job or a certain number of hours of work, you will get paid a pre-decided amount of money.
It’s a traditional selling-buying process, which is the standard model for a relationship between an employer and an employee.
Whatever we would like to do with our lives, some sort of income is necessary to materialize any of the dreams we have, ….like it or not. If we then try our very best to do something that will generate money and, at the same time, be a passion, well, then we have a different scenario.
Money and passion
Whatever you do in life with,
True passion will generate money,
…..for you in one way or another.
Of course, there are well-paid employees everywhere. But usually, their high income is a result of a considerable number of working hours per week. Their unique professional skills and knowledge are needed by the employer. This group of people usually is so-called “workaholics” and will never have time to do anything else but work.
The nice thing with online business and a strategy where you invest your earned money in such a way that it starts to work for you is that you can be wherever you want without losing the grip on your business.
A laptop and Internet, and you are “at work.”
The working place can be at home, maybe with your children and grandchildren. It can be at the beach resort of your preference. Perhaps you would like to explore new countries on the journey of your dreams, or wherever you prefer.
“If you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die.”
This powerful statement means that you, in a way, need to find a system to earn money on “autopilot.” In online business, this is called residual income.
You attract a customer who signs up to your service and is paying a monthly fee to continue as a subscriber.
Putting together online business and residual income, affiliate marketing is, without any doubt, the easiest and fastest way to start and grow such a business.
The conclusion to Start Loving Mondays and All Other Days of the Week
Of course, there are many other recommendations to pay attention to. Still, the 3 steps revealed in this article are mandatory to achieve a change in your way of living.
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With the new world order coming after the Coronavirus pandemic, online entrepreneurs will have an essential role in any society. Starting an online business is something anybody can do today. Affiliate marketing is the icing on the cake, giving you a unique opportunity to start living a life that so far only exists in your dreams.
Click the banner below and try it out yourself already today!
PS. Whatever job you have, do not quit! Instead, use this opportunity to explore your new lifestyle at your pace without any pressure to start earning money day one. The moment will come when you feel comfortable enough to go all-in. But, it all begins Here and Now!
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