Apply the strategy to stay fit after 70 on everything


To stay fit after 70 is something you don’t find so much content about. Why is that?

Is it an age not worth worrying about? Could it be that you’re too old to change your fitness stage? Or is it that no one cares?

None of these presumptions is even close to reality. Stay fit after 70 is even more important than any other age. When turning 70, new opportunities will appear, and sometimes you don’t notice them.

The human body is a sort of machine, working without interruption from the moment you’re born. Compare it to a car. The older the vehicle is, continuous maintenance is a direct factor in determining how long time your car will be functioning.

Why should your body behave differently? Well, it doesn’t.

From being an active and passionate marathon runner to being forced to give up the hard training, I believe my experience can be engaging.

To give up, I hate the words; therefore, let’s change it to suspending, and remaining fit after 70 requires you to switch your mindset correctly.

When doing this switch in life, I also found that the method applies to most things you’re doing. Before going through the 5 steps to use, think about the synergy effects you can get.


5 Steps to Stay fit after 70

To stay fit after 70It was a tough decision to suspend the marathon training. As an average human, frustration dominated my mind at first. Waking up from the “chock” and realizing that life must go on, my head started to work.

Letting all emotions fly away and your head work like any logical and emotionless device is a good exercise.

I learned something amazing and useful when working out the 5 steps formula below to stay fit after 70.

The stay fit after 70 formula works for everything!

S.W.O.T. analysis

The best way to get rid of any emotional influence is to make a S.W.O.T. analysis. In an earlier article, we went through the power of this kind of exercise.

Get to know your natural strengths and weaknesses, and you start to view your next direction.

When listing all available opportunities, you’ll see how much you have to develop for the coming years.

The threats help you to get balance in your plan to avoid mistakes.



Making a plan sounds relatively uncomplicated, but many plans fail because they are not based on reality.

With a well-thought-through S.W.O.T. analysis, you already have the framework for successful planning.

A professional plan is not a random desire list but something that you commit yourself to do. If you can’t commit to your plan, skip the project and redo it from the beginning.

When planning to remain fit after 70 without marathon training, I also understood that my online business works the same way.

My new website could see the daylight with the proper planning based on a detailed analysis. The response has been incredible; obviously, many can relate to the content on my site.



The whole project must be launched to give value to your analysis and planning. It’s now when your preparation will be tested in real-time.

Of course, there will be minor failures, but your launch should turn out well with a well-done plan.

Finding a balanced mix between long power walks and gym sessions became the recipe for my new fitness program.

Focusing on YouTube and my new website is the path to take for my online business.

Many who want to start their own online business are unsure of what is needed. My site’s “Tool & apps” was created to explain what you’ll need clearly.



What is the difference between reasonability and accountability?

You can be responsible without being accountable. But if you are accountable, you are also responsible to a certain extent.

In typical organizations with a classical hierarchy, all managers have responsibilities connected to a defined job definition. However, the boss of those managers is accountable for the overall outcome.

You are accountable for the final result as an entrepreneur running your own business.

With the definition of accountability crystal clear, you are accountable for staying fit after 70 if that is your purpose. You should have access to all the necessary tools to make it happen. No excuse is valid!



This final part is often forgotten. If you achieve your goal of sub-goal, you deserve a celebration. Reward yourself with whatever is relevant to you.

The goal is clearly defined in your planning.

For my fitness, the goal is to restart my marathon training by the end of this year.

My YouTube channel will also become the principal income stream for my online business by the end of this year.


The Stay Fit After 70 and Your Future

The Stay Fit After 70 and Your FutureNever before during my years as a runner and a digital entrepreneur have I so clearly seen the synergies between my running and my business.

If you can relate to my story, and for sure you can, as you still are reading, check out my website https:// for tips and ideas.

On my YouTube channel, you will find various videos, most of them for us seniors striving for The Golden Age Lifestyle.

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