To be in command of your destiny is limited to a desire for most people

If you’re not in command of your destiny, who are then managing your future? Let’s start with this provocative question before going through what really decides if you are in command of your destiny or not.

Two different approaches divide people into two separate groups:

1) People who let things happen

2)People who decide what will happen

Two follow-up questions: 1) To be in command of your destiny, to which group do you need to belong 2) Honestly, to which group do you belong right now?

In one of my very first articles almost four years ago, habits and determination are the keywords for success. Add planning to the group of keywords, and you’ll very much have the formula for success in life. Now, where to start to get it right?

Let your passion be the ignition for your plan

The quality of your plan must be the foundation for any project and will always be a reflection of the passion you have. Making a plan for something that you don’t like or are committed to will always result in a poor strategy.

You must have a burning interest in what you’re going to do, something that you’re thinking about around the clock, continuously trying to enrich. Your idea can never be “good enough,” but your passion is a driver that never stops thinking about improvements and further development.

To get the plan down to something that you can use as a tool, there are certain elements that can never be missing. Get it right from the beginning, and the continuation will be much more natural.

Your habits can be a blocker or the path to success

What is a habit?

You can’t describe it better in a few words than the way Mahatma Gandhi views it.

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,

then your thoughts become your words.

Your words become your actions,

and your actions become your habits.

Your habits become your values,

Your values become your destiny.”

-Mahatma Gandhi

The third line in the above quote, it’s where the action starts. Whatever action you take, it will soon turn into a habit. It will be a sort of routine if you like. We, as humans, love routines because it automatically creates a comfort zone within which we feel comfortable.

So far, so good if your routine or habit provides good values and you proceed toward the right destiny, the goal of your entire project. Many stay in their comfort zone for life without even being aware of it.

It’s when you try and try but only fail over and over again. There is nothing wrong with that, as long as you try different things all the time. Failure is one of the many characteristics of successful people. Thomas Edison’s trial and error-method to invent the electric light bulb is an excellent example of how failures can finally lead to success.

If you conclude that you need to change a habit to be in command of your destiny, you don’t break the bad habit but replace it with a good one.

Determination – when it all happens

Determination and habits are very much linked together. It’s a kind of taking action on your defined habit. You focus, you make changes or just little fine tunings, try again and again and again. You’ll never give up, and in the end, you’ll reach your goal.

You can find good examples with proper determinations in any niche. You’ll see it in the sports world, in the business world, and even in personal lifestyles.

Again, your obstacle to always being there is the comfort zone. Trying new things and new approaches frame the route to being in command of your destiny.

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein

Time is always an “invisible” variable that “kills” the whole project or at least gets it delayed. How to deal with that? To start with, stop lying to yourself!

“I had no time.”

“The time flies.”

The time doesn’t fly. It goes on at the evenest pace you can imagine. Moreover, you have 24 hours every single day. What is happening is that you’re not focusing on the right things or not prioritizing correctly.

When you’ve got your plan in place and when you know how to handle habits and determination, you can move to the thrilling part of your success pattern.

Take Command of Your Destiny by Using These 7 Steps

Take command of your destinyAs there are tons of articles out there describing how to be successful, you are, of course, asking what is best to do. Some are better than others. It all comes down to opinions. So, to be neutral and let the truth be the leading star, what could be better than to base it all on facts?

Harvey Williams exposes figures and facts about how the famous and wealthiest people in the world are doing it. Read his article, Habits of the Rich and Successful People.”


Habits of the wealthiest people | Consumers Base

The 7 steps to take

The truth about the wealthiest people in the world is that they are ordinary people like you and me. However, they all are doing this, as Harvey Williams shows with figures:

    • Routines and habits – It’s essential to follow strict routines in certain areas
    • Set realistic goals – Goal-setting is an important process and should be made based on realism, but challenging at the same time
    • Love for reading – Wealthy and successful people read every day. After all, reading is part of the so crucial and continuing education. It would be best if you always are up to date on what is working right now in your business.
    • Time priorities – As mentioned earlier, you have 24 hours per day, and you can not do everything. Delegate work that you can let other people do. Spend less time watching TV or surfing the web.
    • Delayed gratification – “Go after the big fishes,” meaning that you shouldn’t settle for the immediate and probably small earnings. If correctly done, there should be higher expectations in the funnel. In online marketing, recurring income, and high ticket sales are key to a “millionaire attitude.”
    • Over-deliver – Whatever you provide to your audience, always deliver more than what is expected from you. This is something that successful and wealthy people always do.
    • Avoid debts – It’s a big difference to be living with debts and strategically financing a project. Debts will always limit your possibilities for actions according to your plan, and in a worst-case scenario, you can go bankrupt. Always keep an eagle eye on your cash flow.


Would You Like to be in Command of Your Destiny Starting Today?

When I first learned about the profile of wealthy and successful people in the world, then I found that the list, no matter from where comes the list comes, always has entrepreneurs, business owners, and self-employed people on the top.

While doing my own analysis of why it is like that, I pretty soon came to a conclusion:

It’s close to impossible to be aligned with the 7 characteristics mentioned earlier if you are an employee. Pretty shocking!

As you probably are searching for a business opportunity online, this is the video series I can recommend if you would like to do something about your current situation. When I took the step to a wealthy lifestyle where you are your own boss, then I first made it part-time. If you still have a corporate job, then do not quit but try this part-time to really confirm to yourself that this is for you.

Click the banner below and get access to an exclusive video series showing you how you can start a profitable online business from scratch.

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