The digital world is taking over everything and we need all on board
The growth of the digital world is going so fast that many people not even care about it.
Probably you’ve come across individuals who refuse to adapt to the new technology. It is because they don’t understand what the digital world can do for them? Or is it something else?
See my blog post “Why You Should Start Your Own Business at 50+”, published the 17th of July, 2017.
Belonging to the 50+ group and not being very typical for this group of people, I notice something every time I’m ordering an Uber cab at an airport or some other public places where a lot of people are doing the same. Probably I’m the oldest one and the rest of people using their smartphones to get their Uber, are usually at the age of 40 and younger.
The fast growing automation of the banking system is creating frustration for many senior people who still haven’t adapted to the digital world and the automated banking procedures.
On the other hand, we know from statistics that the fastest active growing Internet group is 50+ people. According to Internet Marketing, Inc. this 50+ year-old population will control 70% of the United States disposable income.
Suddenly I recognized that my own mother, 86 years old and probably belonging to this group of seniors, refusing to adapt to the digital world, is doing a lot on the Internet.
She calls me now and then on Skype, WhatsApp, Viber, and even Messenger. I couldn’t figure out what is behind her behavior, I mean on one side refusing the digital world, and on the other hand mastering the voice communication through various apps.
Everybody Has Access To The Digital World

The explanation came when I watched a TED talk by a young female entrepreneur by name Isabella Martinez.
She is one of the co-founders of Net4Seniors. She talks about five steps usually used by senior people, to close out from the digital world.
It starts with FEAR. Fear towards something looking too techy. Probably you have met senior people, who even don’t dare to push the on-button, as they have a fear that something “terrible” will happen.
The fear turns into FRUSTRATION when they notice that the world around them is into the digital world. Rapidly they see that the major part of these digital “freaks” belongs to the younger generations.
“I’m too old for this.” , uses to be their defense.
When the frustration is under control, it all converts into a TRUST issue.
“I don’t trust the Internet.”
“The will steal my money.”
Can you recognize these phrases?
The fourth step is DOUBT about the digital world in general, backed up by the previous steps.
Finally, the DENIAL is there. The end of the story and we get a senior person who has locked all the doors to the digital world.
What you need to do is to rewind the whole denial process. It uses to be the trickiest part, as the “denial” person just doesn’t want to listen.
You can get the necessary attention in different ways. For example, my mother understood that to be able to talk to her son living overseas; she must find a communication means free of charge. That practical issue is sufficient to get a person’s attention.
Explain The Digital World And Erase All Doubts

With the necessary attention in place, the first step is to EXPLAIN. Explain the digital world in an easy way that your audience can understand. For example, do not use a lot of abbreviations common in the digital world of today, without explaining what it is and what it means.
Remember that you are on a mission to simplify the digital world for people who earlier were in a denial mode.
When the necessary explanation is done, INVITE the people to participate. Or, in other words, let them feel that they are part of something instead of being external spectators.
Now, you have the people on board, and the ONE-ON-ONE training can start. Always, make it in the pace of your pupil.
Finally, the seniors under your responsibility will start to UNDERSTAND. They will no longer view the digital world as a high-tech “nothing-for-me” thing.
In fact, senior people often understand faster a topic of this nature than what younger people do. Their life experience and knowledge achieved during all years will efficiently come into use.
Once you get your senior prospect in the right mode, it’s time to explore further his or her potential.
Explore The Digital World Potential

It’s also an excellent way of combining your passion with business. Imagine if you could monetize your lifetime hobby and making a business of something you like to do. That is passion and life quality. Of course, all on your terms!
Having released all fear, frustration, and denial, a new world of opportunities will be present. But it has to be simple, easy to understand and without risk taking of higher magnitudes.
You need to offer a system that every single candidate can develop on her or his pace. It should be able to combine with traveling, visiting the children, grandchildren, and live a life entirely on your terms.
Click here or on the banner to the left to get access to a system that fulfills all the requirements a senior person wants.
Regarding automation, you will also need an auto-responder to professionally and hassle free organize all your leads or customer prospects. Click here and get your free trial month.
Finally, if you belong to the group, as I do, who don’t have English as your native language, you might need an application that can look after that spelling and grammar fall correctly in place. Click here and get your free trial.To be honest, even people with English as their mother tongue might need this app.
It has never been easier for 50+ and other senior people to build their own online business, totally on their terms.
But don’t forget the first steps:
Explain – Invite – One-on-one – Understand
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