Your MLM business could be a dormant gold mine 

To transform your MLM and make it grow into the business you dream of is now something you can achieve by taking the correct actions.

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM ), also known as network marketing or referral marketing, is a marketing strategy that has been in existence for quite a good number of years. It is a marketing strategy whereby a marketer sells directly to consumers and encourages or persuades those consumers to join the marketing chain, also known as “network.”

It is based on a system of various distributors and recruits. They form a unique network of individuals and have accepted to work towards a common goal. Your MLM members are compensated for the sales generated through them and those made through other salespeople that they recruit.

Most MLM requires members to first purchase starter kits. At the same time, some of them impose members to obtain minimum monthly order value to maintain their membership.

There are more than one thousand firms in the United States alone. They are using Multi-Level marketing as a marketing strategy. All to get their products across to various consumers all around the world. This means Multi-Level marketing is big business in itself.

Even though MLM is a legal business, it has been a subject of criticism. Just mentioning MLM, people think of Ponzi schemes or better known as pyramid schemes.  In most countries that is forbidden by law. The business strategy is controversial as one recruit’s action can significantly affect other members on that ladder of the network.


The History of Direct Selling and How it Helps Your MLM Business 


Direct selling and your MLM businessThe direct method of selling has existed for a long time. The first direct sales business to consumers I know about was introduced approximately 100 years ago. The creator was the Swedish founder of Electrolux, Axel Wenner-Gren,

Even though he was not the inventor of the vacuum cleaner, he designed and constructed the first domestic vacuum cleaner. His vision was to help households to get cleaner and thereby maintain healthier homes. The vacuum cleaner was a “must” in every home.

The strategy was to get many vacuum cleaners out there and as fast as possible. This led him to make demonstrations in the customer’s home. From there, probably the modern direct sales industry started.

The concept was successful. For sure some of you reading this have even had a live experience from a demonstration. A skillful Electrolux vacuum cleaner sales representative showed you all the dust you have at home.

For many years, the cold canvassing method worked well, resulting in an impressive number of sales. This method involves knocking on the potential customer’s door, getting in, doing a demonstration, and closing the deal. Every day, he (no female sales representative at that time) would need to talk face-to-face with people. The more he did it, the more he would turn homeowners to prospective buyers and increase sales.


Doors are closing

However, with various changes in society, such as the higher level of crimes and fraud, it has become practically more difficult to just go out, knock on people’s doors, and turn them into potential customers. New strategies with pre-booked demonstrations over the phone have been a reliable method to solve the changed habits in the market environment.

Making the “original” direct sales method obsolete, the multi-level marketing, better known as MLM, started to get more air under its wings. I believe it is not a pure coincidence that many previous successful direct sales representatives, now can be found as successful MLM leaders.

The truth is that the skills and knowledge gained from “genuine” direct sales undoubtedly helped a lot of business owners develop sales in other areas, like multi-level marketing. There is no better sales academy than selling directly to various consumers in their homes. Some 30 years ago, the most skillful and highest quoted salespeople came from segments as encyclopedias, insurances, and vacuum cleaners.


Is Multi-Level Marketing going the original direct selling way? 

Did you know that 97% of all people doing network marketing make less than $50 a month in their MLM business? Another survey talks about that nearly 60% of MLMers earned less than $500 over the past five years. Are you one of them?

Network marketing, your MLM, or whatever you would like to call it, what they all share can be expressed in two words: Direct Selling

According to Direct Selling News, there is no defined date when direct selling started. Still, this business format can be traced a couple of hundred years back.

The idea was to eliminate the middleman and sell from the manufacturer directly to the consumer. The prospecting method by then was the most basic. By knocking on the door of potential customers, the sales process started.

Without any doubt, the direct selling method became famous, popular, and in many niches very successful. The development of the business concept continued, and the next step in the direct selling evolution was network marketing.

Network marketing consists of engaging other people to amplify the customer base. The most famous models are home parties. Products like cosmetics and cookware are favorite products for this format. By engaging various potential customers at the same time, the business’ leverage starts to take off.


From networking to MLM

From network marketing to MLM, or multi-level marketing, it’s a short step to take. In fact, MLM is a form of network marketing. The variable added to the MLM model is the recruiting process. Salespeople can earn money in two ways, by selling and commission based on what other people in their network sell.

The modern MLM system encourages people to recruit. The reality is that without always adding new people to your network, there will be no attractive earnings if any.

The question now is if the multi-level marketing is also going the original direct selling way or not. From experience, one can still say that the same way that the “genuine” or “original” direct selling had its lifecycle, at least in its original format. The logic also points out that the multi-level marketing will pass through the same lifecycle “drama.” I call it drama because it will be a troublesome process if your MLM system does not adapt to the new circumstances. That’s the business environment we are facing more frequently than ever.


The exploding digital world is one fundamental reason.

The main part of society today, in one way or another, is digitally connected. The speed of changes is much higher than before.

While a digital marketer has access to more than one billion people daily (for example, using Facebook as a marketing medium), the multi-level marketers, no matter the size of their network, will be local guys compared to the Facebook marketer.

With these two completely different market potentials, it is easy to think that your MLM business, which has a critical expansion factor in its business model to be successful, can run into a saturation mode.


The Bottleneck of Network Marketing

Since the first direct selling company recruiting sales representatives to their business, to the modern form of network marketing companies, recruitment has always been, still is, and will probably be forever the most crucial part of the business.

No matter which part of the direct selling industry you belong to, recruitment is the every-day-battle.

People doing network marketing use to engage with family members, friends, and neighbors. At a certain point, the existing social network becomes “consumed.” But the show must go on, and without more people to engage, the business starts to stale.

This is the bottleneck most network marketing people struggle with.

In a certain way, MLM solves the problem by using an organization of different layers, and the recruitment process continues on each level in the organization. The downside of this model is the quality, which tends to decrease by the distance you are from the recruitment process. The retention starts to be a problem, and in the end, the worst scenario could be that the whole sales force starts to fall apart in pieces.

The whole direct selling world, from basic door-to-door canvassing to modern MLM, is built on baby boomers and how they developed it.

Right now, we are at an exciting point in network marketing, as it has grown and matured over the last couple of decades. The Coronavirus pandemic is an essential catalysator to speed up all changes going on.


The New Way of Managing Your MLM is Already Here


Your MLM is already hereOn one side, you’ll find the younger generation coming out of school and being exposed to the profession of network marketing. On the other hand, you’ll find the baby boomers that are in-between careers. They are eager to move on or want their next step.

The technology is here to support the next development step in network marketing.

The older generation learned the profession the hard way, making appointments over the phone. If you tell a younger person coming out of school to sit at a desk for 7-10 hours on the phone, they think you are crazy.

So how to merge high tech and high touch? Well, the Internet and online marketing could be the answer.

For example, Facebook, the world’s largest social network online, could be an excellent platform for your network marketing activities.

If you prefer video marketing, you can use YouTube. The platforms and ideas are almost endless. You can target your potential customer base the way you prefer; by location, age, gender, etc. The vast number of people you can reach out to is tremendous. Use the online strategy instead of the old traditional offline method.


Your MLM Business Vs. Affiliate Marketing


Your MLM vs.affiliate marketingThe daily headache for a serious MLMer is how to add more people to his or her network. If the network does not add more people, it will die sooner than later. One reason for this is the dropout rate that always will exist among the people in the network. These are people who do not perform but only occupy space in the system without producing anything or adding value to the network.

The other reason is the necessary organic growth of the network to leverage the expected commission payouts and to keep the members of the system happy. Could this be the reason why some MLMers sometimes claim that the market seems to get saturated?

The relationship or networking is vital for people searching for success in the multi-level marketing. Not very seldom, you start to invite close friends and relatives to join the business, which can induce other types of problems of more emotional nature. It is not a pleasant task to ask family members, relatives, and friends to join, to keep your MLM network growing, which is the way it must grow for success.


The digital marketer has access to a non-limited audience.

The world’s population having access to the Internet is the limit, but changing with high speed. The latest statistics show that 62% of the world population is connected to the Internet.

Depending on the countries that will be chosen for the campaign, you can easily connect to millions of potential customers. You don’t know who they are, but you know where they are.

We already have several successful MLMers in the Six Figure Mentors community. They have found this online marketing system to be an exciting and potential complement to their multi-level marketing business.

In principle, both,

multi-level-marketers and digital marketers work with the same basics,

which is a vast network.

The whole business is based on the fact that the network is significant and growing consistently.

As an MLMer, you will find the tool within the Six Figure Mentors platform to limit or expand the target group you are interested in whatever you want. If you prefer to stay local, you can do that. If you would like to go regional, national, or even global, you will also have that option.

As the markets develop and the digital world expands, it will not take long before all multi-level marketing organizations understand the importance of building global MLM networks. It will be more the languages, cultures, and habits, setting the frontiers for the business and not the physical country borders.


The pandemic pushes everything a step further

In the same way that the “original” direct selling had to make changes and adapt to new market conditions, Your MLM will have to do the same. Everything is going faster nowadays, and affiliate marketing surely will be an indispensable marketing tool for successful MLM.

The smart and successful MLMers jump up on the digital affiliate train now. They will be ahead of all other people in the industry when they notice that it is a must to have their business going digital.

Are you getting sick of traditional downline building techniques? Click here and listen to Stuart Ross, the Six Figure Mentors co-founder, where he will reveal something exciting about Multi-Level marketing. You will also get immediate access to the FREE7-days video training, where all will be explained to you in detail how it all works.


Time For Action!

“It sounds good,”

 you may say.

“Let’s go ahead and try it.”

BUT first, you need a system that can handle all the traffic and leads you’re going to get. You need training and education on how to manage these new tech tools. And you need somebody you can talk to when you struggle with problems. It’s no rocket science at all, but you need to have the knowledge.

Click here to watch a video blowing your mind, and showing how to speed up your network marketing or MLM business by using the Internet.

Click the “Act Now” button and start today!

Your MLM start


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