Why You Should Not Focus On Your Weaknesses

Forget your weaknesses!

Have you ever participated in sessions where you had to auto-analyze your strengths and weaknesses? Opportunities and threats were probably two other parts of the group work quadrant. Some of you might remember the old and famous SWOT analysis. Why you should not focus on your weaknesses, you can easily detect in SWOT analysis.

In a moment, I will reveal why it’s so important to eliminate the weaknesses from the table as soon as ever possible.

Forget about your weaknessWe are very good at promoting our strengths, and many of us have been literally trained not to miss the opportunity to explain how good we are. Sometimes, people with a high level of ego combined with a not-so-clever backup of their promoted strengths reveal their weaknesses automatically by letting them talk freely about their strengths.

Guess what’s weird about this? Sometimes, such persons are not even aware of their real weaknesses but think something completely opposite.

Professional recruiters are normally well-trained on how to detect real weaknesses. The old classical question is to ask the candidate something like:

“If I ask your best friend about your weaknesses, what would he or she tell me?”

When this questioning technique was new, many people “fell into the trap” and gave fairly honest answers. However, people with some experience from interviews know this method very well, and if the question were raised today in its original form, there would be a lot of bias in the answers.

Focus on strengths

Instead, the modern technique is to focus on the strengths and let people reveal that part on their own. By doing complementary questions, you can often notice the weaknesses right away.

Whatever activity you are in, the final goal or purpose of it is to achieve something. It can be sales, increasing revenues, constructing a building, or cultivating carrots, just to mention a few random examples.

The goal to achieve

For all these activities, your most important task is to find out how to make more sales, how to increase the revenues, how to construct the building, and how to get as many carrots as possible when it’s time to harvest.

Your starting point will not be to find out how to handle sales complaints, secure cash flow through external borrowing, repair the building when it eventually suffers from an earthquake, or get rid of all insects that could destroy the whole carrot harvest.

Do not misunderstand me here. Of course, the “defense” activities, protection measures, or whatever you would like to call them, are important, but they are there to protect achieved goals and can never be a goal-driven priority activity by themselves.


Why You Should Not Focus on Your Weaknesses Is Nothing Bad But A Natural Part of Everything

If you belong to the group of typical average people, and I ask you who Manuel Neuer is, I’m sure the main part of this audience has no idea whom we are talking about. You will not even have a clue about what kind of discipline we are in.

If you hear the name Cristiano Ronaldo, I’m pretty sure almost all of you know who it is, and you immediately recognize that we are talking about soccer.

Manuel Neuer was nominated the best goalkeeper during the last World Cup back in 2014 when he played for Germany. Meanwhile, Cristiano Ronaldo, who plays for Portugal on a national level and Real Madrid on a club level, is one of the best forwards in the world. The big difference is that Ronaldo makes goals, while Neuer does his utmost to keep the number of goals as low as possible.

This said we can immediately see that both types of players are needed to make a successful team. However, on Forbes’ list of the highest-paid soccer players, not one single goalkeeper is found among the 21 highest-paid players.

We can have an endless discussion about whether this is fair or not; most probably, it isn’t, but life is like that.

What the market asks for will be quoted at a higher rate.


Be Aware Of Your Weaknesses

How many people have refrained from trying something new due to weaknesses holding them back? The worst thing is that there are still people around talking about how important it is to pinpoint your weaknesses, work on them, and hopefully learn not to repeat them again.

What a boring life!

Honestly, I don’t think any successful entrepreneur in the world has that mindset. Instead, you have to dig deep into your strengths and develop them further.

Your strength is your alliance to success!

Your strength your allianceAs an online marketing entrepreneur, there are tons of different things to do. For some tasks, you feel really passionate to do. Some other tasks that might be important for your business you feel more like necessary things to do, and a few things are just boring stuff.

If we put all tasks on a line with full passion on one extreme and boring stuff on the other extreme,

Normally, we are more skillful in tasks we are passionate about.

As an entrepreneur and business owner, it is important to look that the business develops in the correct direction, and for tasks you don’t like to do or you lack the necessary skills, you will have two options:

Either you have to hire a professional person to do the task where you’re missing, or you have to outsource the work to an external party.

Starting up a new business, it can be hard to take on costs and hire employees. The whole online business concept has developed plenty of alternatives to cover up what is missing.

You can say that a whole online business community is in place to cover up your particular weaknesses.

Internet companies like www.freelancer.com and www.fiverr.com are excellent examples of where you can find outsourcing resources for literally everything you need. The cost is reasonable and even low in some cases.

The worst thing you can do as an entrepreneur or whatever you are doing in life is to get stuck and paralyzed to move forward.

Therefore, it is important to be aware of your weaknesses. Outsource the corresponding tasks to professionals who can do them for you.

Forget to worry about your weaknesses.

They will always be there unless you feel passionate about fixing them. Very rarely does this happen, and it is a completely different story.

I’m really passionate about being aware of my weaknesses, outsourcing my weaknesses, and cultivating my strengths. My online marketing business with the Six Figure Mentors is developing much faster than I thought possible.

Guess what is the most important besides having a serious business up and running. It’s that a new passion now makes an entrance into my life. An activity where the mission is to help as many people as possible find their correct path toward a life of freedom, which, in my case, is the laptop lifestyle.

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