Everything is possible; it’s all a question of time with only six things in place.

To get started and never stop again, or whatever you do in life, you need to be convinced and passionate about it to get results. During my entire life, I have never encountered a person who has been successful by luck. Luck is not falling from the sky for you but a result or reward from a good job that has been done.

My blog post five days ago created a lot of interest and some questions, so I found it suitable to continue on the same theme.

I get most of my ideas about everything when I’m out running, including these blog posts. Immediately after finishing the training session, I shot the video below.

If you can relate to my story somehow, don’t wait one second—give Internet marketing one try—you won’t regret it. Get started and never stop again!


Sometimes, we get questions from friends and family, like:

“If I could go back in life and do it over again, what would I change”?

The fact is that I’m so grateful with what I have got in life that I wouldn’t change anything, but one thing:

I should have become my own boss much earlier in my life!

We live in inspiring times, with the whole industry and society changing completely. Especially among the younger generation, there is a significant movement going on to take care of Mother Earth and all the resources we have to survive sustainably.

On the labor side, the Internet and all online activities connected are quickly and silently making a revolution. Nothing will ever be like before. When recognized organizations unanimously sum up efforts towards the same direction that the total of “normal” employment will constantly drop, it’s time to take it seriously.

The online world has completely transformed all traditional concepts and is currently shaking many people out of their comfort zones worldwide.

Accepte changes

Humans tend to accept changes as long as they are within the existing framework. For example, when a bookstore makes its distribution more efficient by introducing computer systems to get faster and more relevant information about what is in stock and what to order, that is easier for us to accept because the basic frame of how a bookstore “should look like” is still functioning on the same basis.

But when we start to move the pillars in the business concept, well, we are out of control, and as we mentally have difficulties handling it, the human defense mechanism starts to work. We refuse to accept or recognize the reality.

How many people know that Amazon’s book sales now include 50% e-book sales? How many took the launch of Amazon as a serious business changer when it was founded in 1994? Today, Amazon is not only the biggest bookstore in the world but also among the biggest companies in the U.S. and the rest of the world.

Online activities and business will soon dominate your daily life. You can watch the development or be a part of it.

What will be your choice?

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