There is a silent movement going on in the entire society….
Like it or not, we will all have to deal with the online revolution.
We all know about the most famous Internet entrepreneurs. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and many more are just a part of our daily lives.
But there is even more information to consider as a direct or indirect effect of all social sites and our use of the Internet in general:
- By 2016, more than 50% of all U.S. retail businesses will be directly influenced by the Internet. The days of only buying things at the store are fast disappearing.
- In 2015 alone, companies will invest $592.43 billion in online advertising. If you ever want to see trends in the business world, watch where companies spend their money on advertising.
- There are more than 10.3 billion Google searches and services online every month. The market uses the Internet to research products.
- 82% of key shoppers spend their time researching and shopping online.
- In 2014 the U.S. alone, $3024 billion was generated in online sales. Online businesses are growing year after year at over 15% a year.
- In 2013, Amazon declared that their digital book sales surpassed physical book sales. This is a powerful indication of the future of digital publishing.
- In 2014, Amazon $5.5 billion
Over one billion people view Facebook on a daily basis.
How many people are lining up at the bank to pay their monthly bills? Very few…if they still can find a bank office close enough for that particular service.
Different figures are available, and they can vary to a certain extent. Still, they all show the same pattern: traditional job positions disappear, and automation will replace them.
New phenomena have never appeared in the business arena before. An excellent example of this is the controversial global taxi company Uber.
For example, you can pay parking fees in countries like Finland through a mobile phone application.
Even governmental entities such as tax authorities are going viral and offering people the opportunity to make annual income declarations online.
Political life, which in all democratic countries has been managed through a sort of representative quotation of people from different parts of a country, was a modern system when democracy was something new in our society.
With the exploding Internet evolution, it will not take long until this system, which in a certain way starts to become obsolete, will be automated. In many countries, political Internet Parties are popping up, and when legal and other formal issues have been solved, there is no doubt that this will be the future…… like it or not.
New Code Of Conduct as the Online Revolution Continues
With massive reductions in traditional jobs, a new code of conduct must be implemented to avoid a social disaster around the world. With fewer people working but the same economic growth, there will be tremendous pressure on governments and authorities to allocate all resources properly.
All people living in this fascinating era need to think outside the box because statistics clearly show (no matter all political propaganda) that the world will have more people and fewer jobs. The math behind such figures will not be tricky to calculate.
Many people around the world are already facing this reality and have switched to the online world. Business owners on the frontline of the commercial evolution are already online, building relationships with their customers through social media and other Internet connections.
Other people build online businesses by selling a product or service or working as online affiliates.
Embrace the online revolution
However, this new development and the online revolution have been a nightmare for many. It’s calculated that approximately 98% of those trying to do business online are failing. The reasons are mainly three:
- They are still with an offline business mindset, and online business requires a different way of thinking
- They try to do everything themselves without having a clue of what is really needed in terms of automation and a powerful platform for the business
- They become victims of all scams and false promises on the Internet. The “get-rich-quick” schemes do not exist, but an online business has to be dealt with precisely as any offline business, with a lot of work, dedication, and passion to get it all up and running.
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The rules are for the future…., whether we like it or not. Now, it’s up to each and every one of us to make a personal decision about our personal future.
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